HubSpot Ideas


Target Accounts - Sticky Filters or Default Filters

First of all -- Targeted Accounts are AWESOME!!  Love being able to see how many and often are we touching, defining roles of stakeholders, seeing their engagement.  But there is one recurring frustration -- please give us either sticky filters OR, better yet, filters that can be configured as default for the targeted account views.


I work in an org with 4 different sales divisions.  When I get to the Targeted Accounts page, it defaults to ALL target accounts in our org.  I can live with setting it once and then it being sticky.  But it would be much better to have a configuration for defaults.  I have junior sales folks who funnel into me.  So seeing all target accounts for my small team would be ideal.

1 Reply

This is exactly  the issue! Target Accounts are great, but I need to be able to filter further. 

We have 4 teams but some have sub teams, and presently the only way we can see that you can filter is by owner. The Team filter also seems to be based on the tesm the accoutn owner is in, which is no good for us as the owner is the same in both sub teams! So everyone sees all the target accounts.

Even if we could have the same filter option as in contacts/companies/deals where you can sleect any property (even if only company properties are available) woudl hugely improve the function for us.