HubSpot Ideas


T.sidekick links showing this website may not be safe from sequence

T.Sidekick links are what HubSpot uses to track clicks in a sequence. However because of this redirect some links which are harmless get marked as dangerous due to external clients scanning those links, and that Mailscanner is picking up t.sidekick as the "domain" of a hyperlink, since we redirect to pick up clicks. the customer can allowlist this domain or turn off the scan functionality.

but it is not ideal to always ask the client to do this. Increased function around this and more options for all mail clients would be awesome so that links do not show as dangerous when they aren't!

2 Replies

Well said.  Nothing turns off my clients more than to see a link in my email labelled as dangerous when they click on it.  This is a major flaw.


i agree, i don't use tracking because the sidekick link looks to complicated and clients refuse to click.