HubSpot Ideas


Switch between Accounts

Hey Hubspot,   


There seems to be some real interest in this feature in the community.  You have suggested I post this in the "Ideas" discussion, so here it is.


It is very commonplace for executives to have different personas across different organizations.  For example, I have 3 separate Hubspot accounts, for 3 separate companies.  In each company, I have a different email address.  Why can't I simply switch between them?


You currently allow people to switch between Hubspot accounts, provided that they have the same email address in both accounts - this does not make much sense.


It seems you are so close to solving this problem - you're just missing the critical last step.


What is the likelihood of this happening soon?




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April 29, 2020 03:25 PM

Hey all, I wanted to drop in & let you know that we definitely are aware of this ask, & while we don't have plans to solve for this in the near future, it's something we can see a solid use case for. I'd love to keep seeing feedback here on this so we can get a good feel for how we could solve this problem down the line! Thanks so much for your comments here.

34 Replies

I've read that this bug was raised since 1 year.

It is not normal to pay for several accounts and not be able to receive notifications from them on my smartphone.

My both enterprises are paying for services, which arren't fully delivered, and the risk is to lose leads 😞


I own a sales consulting company.  We help companies build their sales teams and sales processes.  As part of our business, we are required to call on our client's customers and work with their CRM.  Often times we advise on what CRM our clients should use.  We would like to use a single CRM with one login and have the ability to send emails from different email addresses from a single HubSpot account.  


For the love of Pearl - just add this.   How exactly are users to leverage your mobile app when managing multiple companies?


I find it hard to belive that this company can not sovle this problem . I myself have two account from two f=different companies and tpo be able to toggle between the two with out signing in and out would be GREAT!!! I noticed some of my emails from one com[any went to the wrong email. 


When or are you even working on this for your clients Huspot?


I also have a need for this. I use one instance of Hubspot for my consulting firm, and another instance for a retail startup. Obviously I use different email accounts for each.


As I see it, the issue goes beyond simply toggling between accounts while using - this assumes that you would never desire to be logged into both at the same time - the reason is because if I toggle between accounts (or currently, sign out and sign in again with the other account to the hubspot dashboard online), it also logs me out of the linked Gmail account through the Chrome extension, and starts logging emails from one business into the wrong Hubspot account.


So, I have two Gmail accounts, each with it's own Hubspot account to match, and I want to be able to have them simulatenously logged in and working through the Chrome extensions. It shouldn't be that hard as it's all being identified by the email.


Yes this would be really great if it can happen immediately!


Thank you to SamTaylor! I have repeated your words below.  You have concisely stated my exact situation and issue.  I too have a consulting firm and a retail business.  It is beyond confounding that I cannot be logged into both simultaneously. 


Per Sam:

I also have a need for this. I use one instance of Hubspot for my consulting firm, and another instance for a retail startup. Obviously I use different email accounts for each.


As I see it, the issue goes beyond simply toggling between accounts while using - this assumes that you would never desire to be logged into both at the same time - the reason is because if I toggle between accounts (or currently, sign out and sign in again with the other account to the hubspot dashboard online), it also logs me out of the linked Gmail account through the Chrome extension, and starts logging emails from one business into the wrong Hubspot account.


So, I have two Gmail accounts, each with it's own Hubspot account to match, and I want to be able to have them simulatenously logged in and working through the Chrome extensions. It shouldn't be that hard as it's all being identified by the email.


I, too, had voiced this. I've come to utilize (2) simultaneous instances; each in a private browser window and (2) monitors. When I have to work via my laptop...I'm hosed.


Thanks for the tips! It is ridiculous that they don't have this issue
sorted out.

Have a great day!


This would be a GAME changer for me.  I work with 7 different companies and currently have 4 different iterations of HubSpot tied to different email addresses.  Additionally, it is an issue as I used the outlook addon and I cannot get clarity on how to have it syncing with the different accounts.


Yes please, this can be disruptive to productivity when handling more than one account...


Please please please let this one come true!!!!!!


Any update on this? 


When is this going to be added? It would be huge! 


How close are we to getting this started? This would be a huge win for my business!