This would be a must have. Customer Satisfaction should be requested in the language of the customer. Could you make this procedure SMART based on customer lists or even better, customer properties? (Country, Language, ...)
We need a better solution for multilanguage as well. Other vendors as, delighted, asknicely and satismeter all offer a better multilanguage solution.
Also happy to exchange with you during a phone call or webex. A solution would really be requested to make this tool usfuel in daily operation. thanks.
My name is Joe, I'm the Ideas Forum Manager. I've been in contact with the HubSpot product team about this Idea, and I wanted to provide a quick update.
We appreciate all the feedback you’ve shared here to help our team evaluate this feature request. However, at this time, this functionality is not something our team is planning to build into HubSpot. This is certainly subject to change in the future, so feel free to leave feedback if you'd like. We'll update this thread if our plans change.
@JoeMayall, are you referring to the CES? As far as I know, you can create both NPS's and CSAT's in multiple versions with different languages. But not yet CES's.
I can only agree to the feedback in the forum that a few minor updates, e.g. send based on property value, multiple versions etc., is essential to make the CES useful. We had to deactivate it for now.
+1 I'm doing support in French, English and German and I would like my Customer Support Survey to be in the right language. My clients are old people and they often don't speak more than one language.
Vital for those of us who work with clients from different countries in different languages! To be able to at least change the customer effort score question would be a workaround for multi-languages....
from us a +1 as well. We have customers in different countries and like to address them in their own language. Is there any workaround for this or at least stop the survey to get sent out to specific customers.
It would be really helpful to set up multiple languages to communicate with the customers in their own language. Or at least have the option to exclude them from the automation.
As many of our customers are growing and expanding into new markets, it would be amazing to see this functionality soon in the service products. It would be very beneficial for many of our customers! 😄
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