HubSpot Ideas


Stripe Payment transaction missing Quote details in metadata


The legacy Stripe integration was retired in the recent days and replaced by a new instance of the integration. 

When payments were recorded in the past, the transaction included the details of the quote that was paid in the metadata. 

That information was quite useful for the operations team to quickly traceback the paid quotes.



With the new integration, the information about the quote got lost and only not very helpful internal transaction data is recorded.



Please bring back the quote information to the Stripe transaction metadata


Transaction before (Legacy)

Transaction Before.png


Transaction Now (New Integration)


Transaction Now.png

1 Commentaire

Hello team,

  this issue is becoming a real problem. We receive a few dozens of these notifications and it's tremendously difficult to match them to the actual Quote for which the payments where received. 


Will the product team look into this ONLY if I have thousands of upvotes?? This was something that was working fine before and we have regressed with the implementation of the new Stripe integration.

