In marketing your content with proper storytelling, you must engage the "Golden Circle"—Why, How, When; and apply the essential elements of storytelling which are: Character, Conflict and Resolution.
This idea will attempt to put these storytelling guidelines to practice for a personal brand example.
Brand: TheDeFiLawyer. This brand is aimed at providing individuals, brands and companies in the Decentralized Finance space, with information relating to the legal happenings, regulatory demands and rules that are beginning to govern the industry, through mediums like Twitter, Medium and Substack.
Character: The Readers, and larger Crypto user audience. (Second Person POV)
Conflict: Telling a story that helps users, especially crypto brands, to understand the current regulatory moves in the space, and how important it is that they gain this knowledge and apply it in order to be safe from intrusion of regulators like the SEC or DOJ.
Resolution: Constantly staying up to date with the brand's Informative and Educational posts. They may also seek consultancy from TheDeFiLawyer.
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always so reluctant in refilling her household groceries and other essential household items
often she faces problem with having
to go out of budget as she has a very
little room for time to go around to search
for quality and cheap products. You might
Surprised to know that over 80% of working
class lagosians faces the same probelm
constantly which later leads to lack of energy
to do other chores, getting expensive Products cos it is nearby and finally consuming
your time that can be used to attend to
other Productive activities.
How are they doing it t?
mezzenga is your go-to errand buddy for people who barely
finds out any time for market runs. we can literally go as far as connecting you to vendors that provides Services outside the household essentials such as events vendors, building materials, Office Stationaries, logistics and so on.
we are also responsible for Picking out
handcrafted gift items and souvenirs all at a very affordable and discounted Price.
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