1. Automatically creating the contact: Provide some choice about whether to create a Contact, for example, we don't want Contacts created from emails sent to suppliers etc.
2. and then once a contact is created... Fine tuning the Logging and tracking of emails for Contacts that are in HubSpot... especially when CC and BCC used.
This thread is just about the first part, automatically creating new contacts
DEAR HUBSPOT, by creating a Contact from my outgoing emails, especially the ones I don't want, is the system making me breach privacy and GDPR as I don't have their opted in permission to track their emails or personal info,like their email address. Creating a Contact from an email has to be a positive action.
Here is a suggested fix
When we send an email in Outlook, please can HubSpot check all email addresses and for any that it doesn't recognise (could be more than 1), we get a pop up that says "Hi, we don't recognise some of these emails. Would you like us to add this person (or "these people" if more than 1) as a Contact in Hubspot, or would you prefer us to ignore this email address forever?" and then have two check boxes to the right of each email address: AddorIgnore and then two buttons Save and Cancel.
If I click Save
...for every Ignore, Hubspot remembers the email address but does not create a Contact. Maybe in the Hubspot Outlook Sales plugin settings, we need another box like Never log but instead called Not Contacts.
...foe every Add, HubSpot creates a Contact. This may require a popup for each contact so we can fill in the details. Now here is where it gets a bit tricky....How best to deal with GDPR and Privacy for new Contacts created via email.
Maybe in the plugin, there should be an option to "Automatically send link to form asking for New Contact to opt in to Data Privacy, Consent to process data and Subscriptions" If the option is turned on, the System should then automatically send them a link to a from they can fill in.