HubSpot Ideas


Start a sequence on behalf of another HS user

After assigning a Lead to a HS Sales User, I'd like to start a Sequence on their behalf, such that the email in the sequence has the FROM email of the HS Sales User, not me (the initator of the sequence).

230 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner

We're really struggling to make sequences work for us - because we have administrative assistants that do so much of the follow up with prospects on behalf of the salesperson they support. The ability to allow someone to create an email and/or a sequence on behalf of someone else would be huge. I'm assuming HubSpot's reluctant to do this out of concern that people will abuse their paid sales seats. But there's got to be ways to make this feasible (and fair to HubSpot). We can't even pay for additional seats for admins - because the sequenecs and emails they create would then come from the admin vs. the salesperson. Maybe a setting in the sales seat that says the seat holder supports another HubSpot user (and therefore all activity, emails, etc. are from the other user)?

Participant | Platinum Partner

This has been a struggle for my clients that work on teams. They want to create a sequence but the steps need to be assigned to different people with one client lead managing the process. They are using workflows instead that assign tasks which tell the person which email template to send, which is super clunky but working right now. They can't always use the workflow because the rep needs to personalize the message.


Hubspot has been considering this feature for 2 years, seriously? It's either a yes we will build and put it on the roadmap or no and just close the idea off. This is ridiculous ! Outreach has this functionality for over 4 years now... incredible how Hubspot survives without any developement. 


Thanks for opening up this conversation, I will follow for updates later

Top Contributor | Elite Partner

I still agree with everyone else in this would be TIME SAVING to be able to enroll contacts into a sequence on behalf of another user. It is frustrating that Super Admins don't even have this capability. 

I understand that Sequences are to be used for personalized, one-to-one emails and use them that way. However, there are times when members on my team or clients need help getting a Sequence set up and contacts enrolled and then it is problematic because the ability to trigger a Sequence to fire on behalf of another person isn't available.

Forcing users to upgrade to Sales Enterprise to use a workflow as a workaround isn't the answer. And neither is a third-party plug-in (although I love that one exists). 

There should be a way that a user with specific permissions (Super Admin or otherwise) can enroll contacts into a Sequence on behalf of another user. Please make this happen HubSpot!


It'll be really helpful for SDR team, any plans to implement this in 2022?


I would like to see this feature implemented as I support an Account Executive and do outreach on his behalf. It would be helpful if I could execute the automated emails to appear to be coming from him.


As an individual contributor to the Marketing department who supports a few meat eater sales folks who like to focus on "revenue-generating activities," this feature is an absolute must for our team. I was extremely surprised to find out this wasn't already a feature. @AVChrista is correct; super frustrating not to have this capability!

Participant | Diamond Partner

+1, get asked for this all the time. The workaround is building a workflow with individual sales users, but for large sales teams, this becomes incredibly cumbersome, especially when new team members join and when they need to be removed after leaving the business.


2023 is around the corner and this was in planning back in 2020....


Any update on this? Not being able to do this limits the use case and value of having Sales support roles. The workarounds to bypass this limitation is beyond annoying..


Any updates on this feature? 🙂


This is soo important of a feature.  I would like the first email to be from the "Boss" and the subsequent follow ups to be from the sales team, calling on his behalf.


Good morning, I am curious to know if there is any more news about this feature? Thanks in advance. Greetings Emily


This would be so helpful, is this still being considered?  Or this there way to Impersonate another user, to add to their sequence for them so the emails come from them?

Member | Elite Partner

Yes, this would be great!


We could definitely use this feature. 


Software systems should be a help to us, not a hindrance.  Please create this feature.


This would be a really valuable feature! Please consider rolling it out!