After assigning a Lead to a HS Sales User, I'd like to start a Sequence on their behalf, such that the email in the sequence has the FROM email of the HS Sales User, not me (the initator of the sequence).
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We would also benefit from being able to send sequences on behalf of another user in our account. Maybe it would also benefit from a setting on the user side to allow this to occur for specific individuals.
I have a sequence set up to send emails over the course of 6 weeks. I have a list of 500 contacts assigned to 3 different Hubspot users - And there's no way to enroll those contacts on behalf of the users? Lame!
This feature is something that would really be a game changer in our ability to ensure all leads are being followed up with using our sequences. Sales people are not typically the best at doing these types of tasks and they need support to execute systematic follow up activities. Any ideas when this feature might become a reality?
I definitely see the benefit of this! If you can send a sequence from a different from email address it would make sense to be able to change the from name to match that email address.
As the account admin, it would be very useful to send emails and enroll contacts in sequences on behalf of another user. For example, I enroll contacts in sequences and send emails as the marketing manager but the email signature is the contact owner which is a sales rep. This will be helpful to get emails out for the sales team, but contacts respond to them and not me.
We would like to have multiple members of our team start and assign sequences to different users based on downloads and form submissions. This would save significant time if our sales team would not have to set up their own sequences if our interns could handle this task for us. I have found a few links from other services that allow you to do this:
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