HubSpot Ideas


Split Distribution of Email Sending

We'd like to have the ability to distribute outgoing emails among senders, outside of lead owners. Or otherwise have some way to say 50% percent of this list gets template A 50% percent of this list gets template B.  OR 25% get A, 25% B, 25%C and 25% D across 4, etc.


The existing Round Robin feature touches on this, but is limited only to LEAD OWNERSHIP. In our case leads are owned by third-party reps that are Geographically specific. We want to have the freedom to distribute communications outside of lead ownership.


More specifically, we're looking to assist relationship nurturing with email communications from internal addresses, distributing communications among a few internal account managers, without affecting ultimate lead ownership by our reps. We've been told this functionality currently does not exist.

I was specifically advised to post this here by Hubspot's support team, in hopes of this being seen and upvoted. So if this is something you'd like to see added, please upvote it!