Spark email client + HubSpot integration - we need this!
Some of my team members use Spark and they really love it. I want them to be able to benefit from the same kind of advantages that the Gmail / Outlook add-ons, but not force them to switch! Please make an integration!
Can everyone please upvote the idea at the top of the page? HubSpot will only put an idea into their product development pipeline if it receives a certain number of votes. You just need to hit the thumbs up at the top of the page. Unfortunately the comments themselves don't go towards the votes.
Want Spark integration? - Can everyone please upvote the idea at the top of the page? HubSpot will only put an idea into their product development pipeline if it receives a certain number of votes. You just need to hit the thumbs up at the top of the page. Unfortunately the comments themselves don't go towards the votes.
I just talked to Hubspot support and we found out a temporary though not ideal solution that works
Just add BCC your Hubspot account ID ( when you send an email from Spark and this subject thread will get permission to get registered in Hubspot. Take into account that each different subject needs permission, so each time you send an email to the same person with a different subject you have to add BCC.
Spark is the best email client. If it already has Outlook integration, and I don't understand who uses Outlook today, please do the integration for Spark as well. Well thank you
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