Sort the users (owners) in Hubspot on Contacts & Companies
On Contacts/Companies you have the side pane with all the information. One of those information boxes is Contact / Company Owner. Currently, this is a drop down with users in the order in which they were created. However, in our case, the people who do sales and who have to associate Contacts and Companies were added later. We have to scroll down to the user or type the name of the user to associate it.
If we could just manage the sorting order of this dropdown, it would mean we could add the three people who use HS the most at the top, which makes it easier to associate them quickly. For a SME this is very helpful because it removes about three seconds for the contact AND the company. If you have to this for tons of contacts / companies, it adds up...
Absolutely agree on this. Very odd that we can sort most fields either custom or alphabetical but this one is locked in order of creation, which gives a frustrating UX
Yes, this would be a huge help. In our case, we have to get past folks who aren't even with our company any more to get to the active users. Hubspot hope you'll address this!
We also need this feature! It's been over 2 years since the request was made! If it's not feasible on your end but can be done via Workflow, please let us know!
Or if they can't do a reorder if they could have "me" at the top and then other users below - as the original user I'm now WAY down the list and it's myself I'm assigning things to 90% of the time.
even if we could reorder them in aphabetical order it would be better than what we have now. The people we worked with to build Hubspot are all at the top. They still need access but they are hardly in HS. At least in alphabetical order they would be spread out.
+1. It's a pain to be in a small company and the 8th option listed on a drop-down menu when no one above me does anything in this system. Some people aren't even here anymore.
Totally agree. EVEN if users were only sorted alphabetically, it woul be a lot better than today. Sorting the product library in our preferred order when adding Line Items would also help!
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