Very simply put, would be really useful if we could quickly srt the properties in contact setttings alphabetically (for instance when we add new options for a drop-down property with lots already available), instead of new options being placed at the bottom and having to manually drag al the way up the list to where they belong.
Similarly would be good to add new options here in a specific plave by simply entering [RETURN] from the one above.
Totally agree. Whilst the search function is good, it would be even better to be able to automatically sort properties in a list (e.g. venues in a deal) rather than having to manually drag them (which is cumbersome and inefficient once you get over approx 20 items in the list)
This is also a health issue. I have carpal tunnel. Holding down the mouse button for more than 5 continuous seconds makes my hand tingle. It's unusual to use the mouse that way - but sorting properties lists requires it. We have 150 items in our Industries list. It takes 25+ seconds to move a single object.
We really need this ability... under industry we have over 200 options. When I add a new one that starts with A (for example), I have to drag it alllllll the way to the top of the list. Way too much time/effort required if adding 10-20 options.
Yup! Have a dropdown with 800 options. It works when selecting on a contact page (you can search) but in a form it is impossible, especially on mobile. Please add.
Agreed. Whenever the dropdown gets past a few pages worth of vertical scrolling, it can take a while to move the new item toward the top (or wherever it fits alphabetically).
I've seen a few comments around carpal tunnel, so this idea is not just convenient, but can literally help prevent pain.
Yes. This is a huge flaw. I just added 26 options today, and will need to add more. The Hubspot system doesn't move fast either with my 700 options already listed, so rejigging 26 options will actually a long time (over an hour) to adjust.
I'd like to add my vote to have this functionality incorporated into the dropdown options. We have one property with 300+ entries. In order to get the options to display in the correct order, I have add it to the bottom of the list and then drag each new entry to it's appropriate location on the list. It'd be way easier if I could insert entries into the exact location where I want them to appear on the list.
Would love this. Salesforce just has a checkbox you can click to order all your values alphabetically. It's great, particularly when you have dozens of values.