HubSpot Ideas


Sort Conversations Inbox List by Date

Use case:

To better enable collaboration and facilitate different workflows across inboxes, we need to sort the list of Conversations sometimes by newest first (to guage any reactions to recent changes) and other times by oldest first (to ensure first in, first out service). 



Create Conversations Inbox sort option to sort by date

HubSpot Updates
In Beta
March 22, 2021 09:37 AM

Hey everyone -


This feature is in beta right now and will be rolling out to everyone in the next couple of weeks. If you like to be a part of the beta, please feel free to DM me here or work with your customer success manager. 

Thank you,

Vijay Vadlamani

In Planning
March 04, 2021 07:13 AM

Hello everyone, 


Thank you for your patience here. We are looking to recruit customers for a private beta to help us get initial feedback on the new search, filter, and sort experience. If you are interested in participating, please sign up here -

In Planning
January 27, 2021 03:18 PM

Hi everyone, 


My name is Vijay and I am Senior Product Manager on the Conversations Inbox team. 


Thank you for all your feedback. I have some good news! This feature is currently in development and we hope to have this and a completely revamped search & filtering experience in beta by 3rd / 4th week of Feb. 


I will let everyone here know once it is in beta. 


Thank you for your patience.


Vijay Vadlamani

9 Replies

From a Customer Service inbox perspective we manage all our inbound inquiries from oldest to newest. we need the ability to sort ascending date order within the inboxes.


The most common way to handle incoming requests when working from a shared queue is to have oldest to newest so that customers are served on a first come first serve basis. We really need this as well, please give this request resources. 


This seems like a overlooked requirement of an MVP implementation of this feature 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone, 


My name is Vijay and I am Senior Product Manager on the Conversations Inbox team. 


Thank you for all your feedback. I have some good news! This feature is currently in development and we hope to have this and a completely revamped search & filtering experience in beta by 3rd / 4th week of Feb. 


I will let everyone here know once it is in beta. 


Thank you for your patience.


Vijay Vadlamani


Is this still on track to be released soon?



@vvadlamani I was curious if this is still on track for a beta release this month? or has it been delayed?

HubSpot Product Team

Hello everyone, 


Thank you for your patience here. We are looking to recruit customers for a private beta to help us get initial feedback on the new search, filter, and sort experience. If you are interested in participating, please sign up here -

HubSpot Product Team

Hey everyone -


This feature is in beta right now and will be rolling out to everyone in the next couple of weeks. If you like to be a part of the beta, please feel free to DM me here or work with your customer success manager. 

Thank you,

Vijay Vadlamani


Is there any intention of taking this a step further and allowing us to sort by the latest activity on the conversation rather than just the initial first chat message? When answering customer queries some may take longer to fix/resolved so it would be great if I could order the conversations inbox by last activity date and time so the most recent activity such as a new reply from the customer or that I have replied is on top. 


It would make it much easier to keep track of active conversations and which ones need follow up.