As of the week of May 8th, you have removed the social media calendar, with the new "look and feel". I'm looking and not finding. Please bring this back!! Why would a tool such as this be removed? At a single glance we can see a whole months of posts, where they are posting, what campaign is being posted against, the number in a given day, etc etc...
UPDATE: Ok, my bad. It was just buried under a different menu structure. The Social Media Calendar is no longer part of Social Media . It is now under Marketing/Planning & Strategy/Calendar
PLEASE bring it back! ! ! ! ! ! !
Key West Scott
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
No, this will not replace the Calendar under Planning and Strategy. This is a completely separate calendar, built by the Social Product team just for Social publishing.
Re: Social Media Calendar - Bring Back - changed to: In Beta
Just wanted to reach out and let you know that a new social calendar is in beta! If you have already been ungated, toggle to the calendar while in the Publishing tab (illustrated below).
If you don't see that option, fill out this form to get on the beta.
Just wanted to reach out and let you know that a new social calendar is in beta! If you have already been ungated, toggle to the calendar while in the Publishing tab (illustrated below).
If you don't see that option, fill out this form to get on the beta.
No, this will not replace the Calendar under Planning and Strategy. This is a completely separate calendar, built by the Social Product team just for Social publishing.
A comment on the new calendar. The posts that are scheduled, have the title or text of the post removed and replaced with the account name. It's much better IMHO, that the previous setup was better. Now you can't tell what is scheduled to be posted....
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