HubSpot Ideas


Smart Lead flows

Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 8 votes.


The leadflows that exist were great however it would be fantastic if certain people could see certain leadflows from the same page i.e. a marketing qualifed lead would see a "Download this guide" pop up lead flow while a sales qualified lead would get a "Try our free trial" pop up lead flow

39 Comentarios
Miembro | Partner nivel Platinum

A few other features that IMO are critical.


- Ability to set lead flows to appear based on blog category in wordpress.


- Auto-optimization of lead flows - meaning that if two or three lead flows meet the criteria, HubSpot would automatically AB test and display the flow with the highest conversion rate.  Similar to how google ads displays the ads based on performance.  Right now it just serves the most recently created lead flow.


- As mentioned already there needs to be more options to display based on any / all profile data.


- Would love more layout options, including a full width image with text. 


- need to have a workflow for conflict between live chat and slideout.  




Would be useful if lead flows can be configured to only show to new visitors and not contacts who already exist in our database.

Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Elite

I need this for the same reson as AndyW but I hope some day to organize our content well enought to leverage more like Kevin907 mentions.    


Would be nice to have lead flow pop up based on lead score, or member of a list as well

Colaborador | Partner nivel Diamond

Lot't of good ideas here. Please execute, HubSpot.


First I want to say that I fully agree to change the name of Lead flow to pop-up form... Second, the pop-up form is quite rudimentary and a LOT of good ideas is presented here. 

So HubSpot, please! Make it more useful. 

Best regards, 




I would agree on this that Lead Flows need to be able to change behavoir when you know who the person is.  Just as AndyW stated, we have a similar issue where if someone is subscribed to our blog

No aplicable

Not sure if this is already in the comments, but it would be nice to add a suppression list to the lead flow, just like you can in workflows.


For example: If you have someone already subscribed to your blog, but you have a lead flow to subscribe, you could suppress the lead flow by your blog subscription lists.


I see this original idea is from 2017. Leadflows are now called Pop-ups. Is there any progress on this feature? 


This would be super valuable to any channel-driven organization using HubSpot. Being able to prompt different messages to end users and partners or any other kind of segmentation can make websites and different portals much more efficient.


We have pop-up forms to collect demo details along with a form on the landing page. We would like Hubspot to detect that and avoid any demo pop-ups. So essentially a smart pop-up form. 

If a user fills in the demo form, the pop up should probably be either to contact us for a demo call or even subscribe for the blog or even altogether stop any demo pop up forms. 


It would be great if you could have one 🙂

No aplicable

@PoorviJhawar I agree - I think it would be great if you could exclude a list from a form pop up. That would allow anyone to create a list based on the criteria important to them and then use it as a suppression list, similar to workflows.

Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Elite

We are having the same issue with our blog.  We don't want to ask our subscriber contacts to subscribe but we do want to ask unknown visitors.  Blogs are all about lead capture and the pop up form will be a great tool when we get this working correctly. 


Our temporary solution was to select or most popular SEO posts to ask for subscriptions to all who visit.  We keep the form off the latest posts assuming our subscription base is most likly to read by post date.  But to your point @PoorviJhawar, pushing a demo offer can't be done this way.  And it looks disingenious to keep pushing an offer that a contact has already opted into recieving. there should be a way to supress contacts in our CRM with logic filters.  


If HubSpot is all about the customer experience they need to make this update.    

Miembro | Partner nivel Elite

would also really love to be able to, like regular forms, drop user onto a thank you page vs in the interstitial so we can track Google Ads conversions for campaign optimization. Love all the other ideas for smart forms to replace content accordingly too!

Colaborador | Partner nivel Diamond

Any updates on this, HubSpot? It would make the current pop-ups so much more powerfull for both lead-capturing and -nurturing. Its all about relevance. Today its more of a "one size fits all" tool.


Thanks 🙂 


Agree with this, it'd be great to have smart pop-up forms.


In our case, we want to use the forms for eBook downloads and blog subscription forms. While the feature is great, it could be a bit spammy if we're asking people who are already subscribed or have already download the eBooks.


In addition, I would love if we can put a popup into a workflow.

For exemple: 

Users that is on the list "x", after viewd some URL, send a popup form directing to another URL.

Estado actualizado a: Being Reviewed
Exmiembro de HubSpot

Hi HubSpot Community,

My name is Joe, I'm the Ideas Forum Manager.  I just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful comments on this post - it really helps us build a better product.

I think this a great Idea! I'm happy to say we are currently reviewing this request and its feasibility. At this time I don’t have any details around timing or delivery, but thanks to the comments and votes on this post we’re actively looking into a solution.
I am changing the status of this idea to Being Reviewed as our team scopes out this work.


Estado actualizado a: Delivered
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Hey folks, 

I've some good news - we've built a brand new tool, CTAs, that allows a lot more flexibility in terms of targetng your pop-ups. You can check it out by going to Marketing > CTAs. 

