HubSpot Ideas


Slack Channel notifications for Email Conversations

Reading, I see "Please note: the Slack integration only supports receiving live chats from the chat channel of the conversations inbox, and not the team email channel." This seems like an obvious feature that should exist.


We request a seemingly simple feature (given that a Hubspot inbox already allows you to assign a Slack channel, etc) where new unassigned conversations coming from the team email make a notification to our Slack channel like the existing live chat notification - - but with the only option being to reply in inbox (threading etc not supported).

This is an important feature for us, so we can quickly discuss which member of the team should take it.

HubSpot Updates
Being Reviewed
October 19, 2020 03:59 AM

Hi All 

I am the Product Manager for HubSpot Slack integration. 

Thank you for sharing this feature request with us. We agree that this functionality is important, and we are considering developing this into our integration. I will update this thread with more information soon. Please also keep an eye on our product blog for updates about this integration functionality -, 

23 Replies

This would be HUGE for our team to respond to conversations (in my case, tickets) from Slack, as it's our main communication tool and we miss notifications when away from the computer as the Hubspot App for Service is terrible.


Important for us too - transparency with the wholse team is a core value of how we work. Having a slack channel with all our comms available for everyone is something we're used to, and really notice lacking since moving to HubSpot


Absolutely a must, I also thought it was a bug and so i double-checked the documentation and realised it wasn't a bug, it was a FEATURE (as they say)

HubSpot Product Team

Hi All 

I am the Product Manager for HubSpot Slack integration. 

Thank you for sharing this feature request with us. We agree that this functionality is important, and we are considering developing this into our integration. I will update this thread with more information soon. Please also keep an eye on our product blog for updates about this integration functionality -, 


Definitely feels like a bug that Hubspot doesn't support this - most other CRMs do support it!


What is the status of this at the moment? 

In the link I can no longer see the text "Please note: the Slack integration only supports receiving live chats from the chat channel of the conversations inbox, and not the team email channel."


...that you mentioned in your first post. 


So only possible to get chats to slack but no emails to slack? or what is the status?

Thank you!


Adding my own 2 cents on how much more valuable this feature would be to downstream team service functionality. It would certainly improve and streamline the transparency and response times for my CSRs.


This is a basic functionality I find absolutely bewildering that it does not exist today.


Suggested in 2018 :0


Echoing the sentiments here to say that this should be a supported feature! It is also frustrating that the language saying this is not possible was removed from the Knowledge Base. I had to go through considerable back-and-forth via chat to find out email integration is unsupported!

HubSpot Employee

+1 that this is a great idea and hoping we can have this implemented in the near future. The chat tool is useful but upgrading the team inbox will be crucial as well for so many teams. 


This is such a basic requirement - Emails come to our group inbox and then a notification goes into Slack - how is this not set-up already?  

Top Contributor

Just adding my voice – similar to everyone else, we'd love to see this included as a feature and were surprised to find that it wasn't.


FWIW: some feedback for the product team: it would have been much more understandable  how the slack integration worked for users if you put it under the chat channel, not in the inbox view – there's nothing on this view to suggest that the slack integration on relates to chat. Maybe while you mull over adding email, you could at least shift it to a logical location to avoid confusion for other users?


Screen Shot 2021-09-27 at 3.34.01 PM.png


This would be useful to start to get (unengaged) HubSpot users engaged in the Conversations Inbox and or HubSpot in General if they receive a Slack Notification when a form or email populates in the pertinent Inbox. 


+1. I am surprised it doesn't exist yet. We are so used to it from helpscout to get slack notifications in a channel for incoming emails/tickets.


This amazes me, something so basic with all other support tools! We wanted to get all of our functions to hubspot but this is a bummer! 

Also, it was requested in 2020! 😱


+1 to this request. Much needed functionnality and probably not so hard to implement


+1 here as well.  @anthonypivot is there any update here from the Hubspot team since it moved to "Being Reviewed" over a year ago?


@poconnell It's been over a year since you last posted about this. Has there been any update on it? This seems like a no brainer to have included with the slack integration. We switched over from a product that was substantially less money that was able to do this exact thing. 


The documentation and the design need to be updated IF you plan on only supporting chats for the slack integration.


Otherwise, please provide an update on the ETA for slack notifications for other inbox channels.