HubSpot Ideas


Simplify Contact Association/Adding

You have created an unnecessarily clunky workflow in adding contacts to an existing Company record.


From within an existing Company page, hit "+Add" to contacts.  It automatically deploys you on Associate Existing.  Now you are faced with a choice -- paste your Contact email address here to "check" if they exist or click the tab for Associate New and paste your contact's email address there, in which case, if they already exist, you will get a friendly " you mean this person?"  [See image below. Text continues further down.]




But you don't do this on the Contacts list page.  If you hit "Create Contact" from the Contact list page, you are automatically on a 'create contact slideout.'  If you put in that email address and it's a potential duplicate, you will get the "WHOA!! Double check bro...." message.  So......  why make us do this random extra click and tab?  Why not streamline it?




1 Reply

Totally agree!


Furthermore, when adding additional contacts there needs to be a way to see if contact already have a primary account associated. Now, you get a list and there is no way of telling. This is totally inadequate for the job and creates serious overload. 


There should also be additional selection criteria when selecting candidats not just the meager search string.