Win Probability should be available as a property that can be displayed as part of the deal columns - i.e. there should be the ability to see, at an overview level, what the win probabilities are for all current deals.
I agree with this. Win probabilities could vary greatly for deals in the same stage. Usually the sales rep has a better pulse on the probability than just setting a default.
@taylorfriss - rep can't even change from the default. It's not shown anywhere and is set by admin. It's used for some dashboard calculations, but otherwise a hidden property.
Another simple thing that should already be there but isn't. Adding the win Probability column to the Deals data so this percentage can be viewed next to the deal should be a given. Our VP of Sales is pretty frustrated.
as a work arround. we created a new deal property for win probaility. Then used an if branch workflow to to assign the associated probality with a deal stage to the new property. We can then report off the new deal property.
Nealtex, excelent the work arround works for you as well. Definately agree this function should be part of the tool and should not require a workarround.
It's been two years since this was posted - any update as to when this is implemented. It's such a basic feature and the data is already in HubSpot, it's just not available as a property,.
I have been trying to do this for ages only to be (politely) told that it isn't a property. It would be great if this got more votes and it was added as a possibility!