HubSpot Ideas


Shopify Integration - Tracking Number Sync

Please update the Shopify > Hubspot integration so that the shipping tracking number will sync to Hubspot after the product ships. This is essential.

5 Replies

Fully agreed.  We want suppor to live in Hubspot!


I agree...  this should be in there..  for us the main reason why is because we will send out a survey a few days after the order ships out.  We like to have some information on the survey to remind the cusotmer what they are doind a survey on.  Tracking number and how it was shipped is one of those things we would like to add in the survey email tempalte.

Participant | Gold Partner

Any updates on this? This is absolutely essential with the integration. 


any updates guys?

Top Contributor

Tracking numbers play a crucial role in business operations. All customer details, including shipment information such as tracking numbers, should be accessible in our CRM system (HubSpot). However, it's concerning that after three years, this functionality still appears to be non-operational. Can someone from HubSpot please give an update on this?