The ability to have a global setting in which we could set working hours for our support team who is using ServiceHub.
This would allow us to drive workflows and autoresponders for tickets and conversations submitted outside of working hours.
It would also allow us to obtain a higher degree of accuracy for our analytics.
Example: Average Time to Respond Over Time, Average Time to Close, Average Time to Respond all are taking into account the weekend.
We need the ability to pull the tickets that are submitted over the weekend or holidays (outside working ours) to start the time attributed to that ticket once we are inside of working hours. Example: working hours are M-F 8am-5pm. A ticket is submitted at 7:30pm on Friday. The counters on that ticket should not start until 8am on Monday when our team is back working again. Currently, we have data that is showing subpar response times.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
Good morning, everyone! We are working on building out user working hours, and you can learn more about the upcoming feature here. We anticipate this feature being available for beta in March. At this time, the main focus is conversation or ticket routing and scheduled meetings. Our next priority is to add out of office as well, and that will come later in 2024.
Yes to everything you said! We have the exact same issue with reports skewing our First Agent Response time up because of tickets that come in while we're not working.
Hello, I also would find having reports in business hours very useful! It does not make sense for us to set business hour SLA's for our company when we cannot report that..
Would love this as well! When a customer submits a ticket (let's say on a friday at 5:30pm) and we aren't able to respond until Monday morning it severally alters our response time and time to close. Would love to be able to exclude non business hours from these calculations.
Not only would this help in reporting for all companies that do not offer 24 hour support, but it would also enable them the ability to ensure they are fulfilling on Service Level Agreements. Hugely important for any ticketing system.
I agree this feature would be a great tool and timesaver rather than having to do work outside of Hubspot using the data that is on Hubspot to start with.
This is a serious need for my team and my CEO. Tracking accurate first response time and various stages times are critical. As our product's complexity changes, we need insight onto the impact it is having for our support team. HubSpot ticketing is prefered right now because of the CRM integration but the lack of accurately reporting on this will drive us elsewhere.
Echoing everything said in this thread - this a feature that needs to be available to us. Something that can be enabled/disabled as needed. Hubspot has done wonders for our org by letting us centralize all of our information so everyone can see updates/histories in real time. That level of convenience is marred a bit by not being able to 100% control the way that we can see, use, and pull information about our activity. While Hubspot may not 1st and foremost be a service desk tool, enabling simple features such as this could really drive satisfaction of users.
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