The ability to have a global setting in which we could set working hours for our support team who is using ServiceHub.
This would allow us to drive workflows and autoresponders for tickets and conversations submitted outside of working hours.
It would also allow us to obtain a higher degree of accuracy for our analytics.
Example: Average Time to Respond Over Time, Average Time to Close, Average Time to Respond all are taking into account the weekend.
We need the ability to pull the tickets that are submitted over the weekend or holidays (outside working ours) to start the time attributed to that ticket once we are inside of working hours. Example: working hours are M-F 8am-5pm. A ticket is submitted at 7:30pm on Friday. The counters on that ticket should not start until 8am on Monday when our team is back working again. Currently, we have data that is showing subpar response times.
For sure this is a needed feature. It would help me have a real working knowledge of the efficiency of each channel, how to allocate my resources, and help agents answer questions faster/better.
This is super important for us as a key metric we measure is response time. With the weekends included, this really messes things up when we want to keep that response under 10 mins!
Here’s what I did, and it works. I created a property with a radio-select field. Then I created 2 main workflows (and an optional Holiday workflow). Now I can easily report when our tickets are coming in.
1. Create a Ticket property called ‘Business Hours?’
2. Create 3 different workflows that kick off when a ticket is created.
Only execute the workflow during business hours.
Delay the 'Non-business hours' by a minute and build an if/then branch to update the field if it's empty.
Only execute the workflow during NON-business hours.
Should look just like the 'Business Hours' workflow but sets the field to ‘Holiday’. You'll need to pause the 'Business Hours' workflow from executing and manually turn on the 'Holiday Hours' for those days your office is closed.
Here's what I did, and it works: I created a property with a radio-select field. Then I created 2 main workflows and an optional Holiday workflow.
1. Create a Ticket property called 'Business Hours?' [cid:image004.jpg@01D83852.67A4FFD0]
1. Create 3 different workflows that kick off when a ticket is created. SET BUSINESS HOURS [cid:image005.jpg@01D83852.67A4FFD0] [cid:image006.jpg@01D83852.67A4FFD0] SET NON-BUSINESS HOURS [cid:image007.jpg@01D83852.67A4FFD0] [cid:image008.jpg@01D83852.67A4FFD0] SET HOLIDAY WORKFLOW Looks just like the Business Hours but sets the Business Hours to 'Holiday'.
Any updates about creating reports but only considering working hours? Because it seems that receiving clients' requests outside our working hours distorts our reports and resolving time is longer than in reality.
Come on, HubSpot. It's been almost 5 years and still no action on what is BASIC functionality for a critical need. SLA functionality is gone without being able to exclude times/days from the running of a workflow. How are we supposed to monitor staff??
I have found a workaround inspired by @NChamberlain's suggestion, as it has a minor flaw.
So what you do is (1) create the ticket property 'Business Hours' and (2) set up the three different workflows.
The problem with stopping there, is that all tickets coming in outside of business hours will be labeled as 'No', but switched to 'Yes' as soon as you are back in business hours. This is because tickets still enter the workflows even outside of the set times. Basically what the set times do, is that they just execute the final action when activated – it doesn't mean that they are inactive outside of set times.
For example, if a ticket arrives outisde of business hours at 5:10pm, it will enter both worflows ('Set business hours' and 'set non-business hours') and the property will be set to 'No'. But in the meantime, the 'set business hours' workflow has already decided that the property will be set to 'Yes', as 'Set non-business hours' is delayed by 1 minute. What will happen, is that when we are back to business hours, the property will be changed from 'No' to 'Yes', as the action is then executed. You can see that in the property history of your ticket.
To make sure that doesn't happen, all you need to do is set up a fourth workflow to correct this:
This workflow is activated at all times, and just checks if the property is currently 'Yes', but if it has ever been set to 'No', and then reverts that action.
BUMP We Pay 1000s for this product and left other lesser products to get hubspot ... its seems very doable... our data from Service hub is basically garbage without this feature