In some cases it would be useful to be able to set up and edit signatures for other users, whenever Marketing sets up automated emails for sales or account management. Either those colleagues are not active users at the moment, or Marketing simply knows best how to quickly set up and edit signatures, which saves a lot of time.
At the moment there are two workarounds 1) Add the colleagues as users to HubSpot, set the user permissions you want or don't want them to have, and work with them individually to create signatures in the profile section of the portal. This takes a lof of time thinking of a global organisation and more than three colleagues. 2) Add a from name and a from e-mail address to an e-mail without adding the actual person as a user in the portal and creating manually create or copy and paste that person's signature into the e-mail body. This cannot be used for automated emails.
We in Marketing do need to be able to set up and edit email signatures for other users.
Setting up email signature and additional preferences for users is now available to all Professional and Enterprise customers. The functionality, Presets, is located in your account under Users & Teams. You can leverage Presets if you are a super admin or have the permission to edit Presets. Please feel free to email me ( if you have questions or feedback. You can also refer to our Knowledge Base article to help you get started.
I'm taking this over from @Flora. We've actually progressed from In Planning to In Development. We're targeting something in Q1 of next year to have a Private Beta (subject to change).
If you're interested in taking part shoot me an email (, and if you could include your HubID that would be appreciated!
I'm Flora Wang and I'm a Product Manager at HubSpot currently working in this space.
Thank you to everyone for commenting on this idea- we hear you that this is important functionality to have in HubSpot. We are currently looking into if the idea and understanding the problems in the space. I would love to chat with any admin or manager who sets up users. Shoot me an email atflora@hubspot.comand we'll take it from there.
Any future news regarding this feature will be on this thread and I will update here.
This is something we are looking into as a team. As we will not have this in Q3, for transparency and clarity I am going to marlk this as "Not Currently Planned". I iwl update this doc as soon as ai have more to share on this item.
Please please please!! I am Marketing and want to set these up centrally.
A very pro cool feautre would also be if I could push out a marketing message to add below signatures which could be changed any time e.g. check out new research launched this month click here or check out this months hot offer.
Definitely! Trying to get 50+ sales pros to add their signature without multiple email reminders and calls is a challenge. Sometimes it is much easier to just add it for them. I would also like to see custom user properties, Sometimes you may want to use an owner attribute to the email body and it's currently not possible.
Another vote for this. We are enterprise level, and mainly use our CRM system with hubspot as a supplement to marketing. We need to sign-up over 200 sales representatives, and set signatures for them centrally. This is critical for us.
Yes, this could be a great Hubspot Sales tool or new product. A central, rules-based platform to generate and append email signatures for Exchange, Gmail, etc (not sending emails via Hubspot). This would include options for layouts, social, CTA/offers (latest event, ebook, webinar, discount, etc.).
This would make things a lot easier! All salesreps is writing in their signature different, we have no way to stay on top of it when we cant edit their signature.
If it could be possible with a custom banner/message added to all signatures that could also be great. But here we have to take language versioning into account.
As an admin on our account, why is it that I cannot edit our Husbpot Sales user's signature? In marketing, we want them to all look the same so I would like to give them a template to use but not all of them will do it. If I were able to mass update it, that would be great. Also, I cannot add their first and last name so when I send an email to a contact from their owner, it just has their email address if they have not edited it as opposed to first and last name. I would love to be able to have access to their signature for consistency purposes.
This is a must have for larger teams. (say over 6 people.) Being unable to do this seems like a real oversight. As a Super Admin, I should expect to be able to at least b able to configure this per user if not set them all to a global template (or choose between templates.) Even Infusionsoft lets you do this. and that's saying something.
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