HubSpot Ideas


Set range of days for when a meeting can be scheduled

In the meetings tool, you can currently choose when a meeting can be scheduled. However, the options are "this week and next week", weeks in advance, or a custom date range.


It would be great if you could set it to "blank days" (3 days for example). Currently, you would need to go in everyday and set a custom date range. Screen Shot 2020-01-02 at 3.17.19 PM.png


Yes - this is much needed!  As our company has to manually change the custom date range every day for our meeting links.


Please Create!


I would like new options for "When a meeting can be scheduled" when setting up a calendar. The options for this week and next week, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks, and so on is too many. I would like the option for a few days. For example, if today is Wednesday I would only want the calendar to show Today, Thursday, Friday, and Monday. Then, tomorrow it would show Thursday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. The Friday it would show, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday....and so on. Or I would like the option to have my calendar show my availability one day, two days, three days, four days, five days and so on. 


I think this is an essential feature that is needed in any modern online booking system. I'm quite surprised to find that 2 weeks is the shortest time period.

One thing that may be better for the most amount of users is to set the time over a period of "rolling days" as opposed to "rolling weeks".

It would help more people as someone who uses 2 weeks could change their time period to 14 days.

This is how it's done in a competitor platform.

Meeting booking option.jpg

Thanks for the consideration!


Absolutely! ScheduleOnce has this feature and we're currently NOT using HS Meetings so that we can keep this feature to keep conversions up. Would love to go all in on using HS though. 🙂 C'mon Hubspot! 🙂 


Need days as an option!


i agree and i like scheduleonce so much more than hubspot meeting calendar. In the confirmation email, the link to zoom is not even included. The zoom link is included in the calendar invite but not in the hubspot email reminder which really confuses the prospect about where the meeting is located. 


Completely agree. Calendly has this functionality and similar to DIvins above, we'd like to move everything to Hubspot but we need to be able to adjust the scheduling window. Please prioritize this feature request!


Not sure if it's already been said but I would love to have day slots that I can customize by the week.


For example in Google Calendar you can set up meeting slots on Wednesdays every 2,3, or 6 weeks (you can choose any number) where the booking time slots are visible. Thanks!

HubSpot Employee

Commenting on behalf of a customer - this is the only reason they use calendly! 


Yes, this would be so very helpful for our company!!!


Please Hubspot! This is essential and all competitors offer this!


Critical feature and the possibility shouldn't be limited to 11 weeks either. Please make these features a reality.


This is a critical feature that our team needs as well.

HubSpot Employee

A duration of 2 weeks is too long, it will be great if we can set the number of days we want. 


Please make this feature possible! It's the only thing keeping us from using the meeting tool with hubspot and we would LOVE to use it instead of Calendly


Dissappointingly surprised to discover that no more granular options exist for this scheduling time period (ie days) and that this has been requested for at least 3 years and not updated. 
For that sense of urgency and likelihood of meeting attendance, it is imperative to limit clients to a shorter and more immediate window of time.

投稿者 | Elite Partner

We're seeing clients move their scheduling off of HubSpot and into Calendly because of this 😞 Sad to see loss of buy-in because of this.


HubSpot team: To whom it may concern.


 Below are a list of features that are crucial to our growing business that are currently unavailable in HubSpot. We made the switch to HubSpot, with the understanding that HubSpot offered one of the best all-in-one software's on the market for growing and scaling businesses. 


While some of its features have been a pleasant upgrade, the sheer lack or limited functionality of others (listed below) is greatly concerning to us. Even more concerning, is the long list of requests for many of these features(linked below) from many other HubSpot customers that seem to be falling on deaf ears, or ignored altogether.


The result of which leaves us, and many other HubSpot customers continuing to "duct tape" together many third-party softwares with Zapier (one of the main problems we're trying to solve by switching to HubSpot) to form the complete but inefficient system we are currently still forced to use. 


The items listed below are not innovative ones, as they are currently available on other platforms, but are simply lacking in HubSpot. We believe that even these few upgrades will make HubSpot a much better product, increasing its value to businesses and giving HubSpot the ability to capture even more of the market share.  We ask that this request for updates and upgraded features listed below be taken seriously and with swift action to resolve, or we may be forced to consider taking our business elsewhere. 





-Ability to control how far in advance the availability is. Currently the most you can do is "this week & next week." We need to be able to control it by a rolling day/weekday range. (Calendly is a great example of this.) 

Past Hubspot request:  

-Calendar/meeting view. Ability to view all  future/past meetings in one place, with the ability to cancel/reschedule within the view. (Calendly is a great example of this also.) 


Past Hubspot request: 




 -To be able to do google sheets type calculations/formulas for reporting. (Already aware of data sets and it’s functions, which does not give us the scope that we need.) 

-Ability to do a straight percentage chart type in reports. -More flexibility with reporting (Like HubSpot contact lists, where you can create filters for lists across all different property types (Deals, Contacts, Activities, etc.) 


Past Hubspot request: 

Past Hubspot request: 


Past Hubspot request: 




-Ability to do in-depth filtering across all different property types (Deals, Contacts, Activities, etc. like contact lists) for all "View" types.




-Ability to trigger workflows based off of an activity. (For example: Trigger off a completed call)




-Ability to manage duplicates everyday, instead of only searching for it every 14 days.


i agree with all the above. The montly fee for hubspot is not worth it to me but i setup my entire client workflow there so now im stuck with it.  I don't use many other features that come wtih the monthly plan except i'm still paying for it and yet we are not allowed to modify or remove the features we don't use. It's too expensive since I'm not using 80% of the features.

投稿者 | Platinum Partner

Agreed, this is essential and clients are instead using external calendar tools to meet this need. Ideally, it could be done within HubSpot.