HubSpot Ideas


Set non-HubSpot form identifiers and/or merge non-HubSpot forms

The method by which HubSpot identifies non-HubSpot forms can cause duplicate forms created in HubSpot that associate to a single form on the site.


Some form tools add classes to the form to indicate state (e.g. .form-validated, etc). HubSpot doesn't recognize this as an existing form and creates a new entry.


This is especially problematic if a non-HubSpot form is being used to create inbox conversations because these "new" (duplicate) forms are not connected as an inbox channel and messages get missed.



The ability to edit and/or add "form identifiers" for a non-HubSpot form (shown under View Information > Advanced Information) would solve this. Additionally, being able to merge non-HubSpot form objects would be helpful. The merge action could simply add the identifier from the losing form into the identifiers of winning form.

1 Reply

This is a great idea. We use Wordpress and Elementor and the Elementor forms can sometimes come in as 2 different forms. The first form will look like this:


.[formsID] .elementor-form, .elementor-form-waiting


Then after awhile a 2nd form will be created with the following


.[formsID] .elementor-form


Where the formsID is specified in the Elementor editor. So elementor sometimes appends the .elementor-form-waiting class to the form which Hubspot wants to recognize it as a compeltely new form. Merging or grouping these together would be amazing.