HubSpot Ideas


Set User Availability by Meeting Type in Round Robin Team Links

Use Case:  Sales Team members need to set different personal availability for 2 type of Meetings which are scheduled via a Round Robin Team Meeting.


Team Meeting link with Meeting Type of "Discovery" 

User 1 - only available for these meetings Mon-Fri from 1-5pm

User 2 - only available for these meetings Mon-Fri from 9am-12pm

The Availability settings on the Team Meeting set a filter for calendar scheduling across both users, and will show both users as available via this Meeting Link during the entire day if the meeting links' availabilty settings are 9am-5pm. 


Solution ideas:

1) allow users a personal setting for linked calendar availability by Meeting Type, which would be checked by the Round Robin meeting link when presenting available times, based on the Meeting Type entered for the Round Robin meeting link.

2) add a function to the Availability setting for the Round Robin meeting link whereby each associated user can have custom overrides applied to the Availability settings.


This is a functionality gap for HubSpot vs other Meeting tools such as ScheduleOnce and Calendly. 


25 Comentários

I have run into this same problem. I agree with solution 2. To further clarify, I think that creating the Round Robin link's "global availability" first is backwards. You should define the availability of each team member taking into account their time zone. The "global availability" of the Round Robin link should be automatically defined as the superset of all the Team members' availability. If team member A is available 9:00am-5:00pm PST  and team member B is available 9:00am-5:00pm EST, the "global availabilty" of the round robin link is automatically 9:00am-8pm EST.

Participante | Parceiro Ouro
Participante | Parceiro Ouro

I 100% Agree!


It's 2021 and team members are everywhere... Getting them to block out the hours they finish work in their calendars is backwards. Hubspot meetings needs to be able to handle this ASAP as it causes a lot of issues and frustration for internal team members.

Membro | Parceiro Ouro

I think this idea should definitely be implemented as a Hubspot feature. It would solve a lot of issues that our team currently experiences with scheduling meetings. 

Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Ouro

I agree wholeheartedly with this idea as well. This feature is desperately needed. We have the same issue and it would solve a lot of problems if we could set certain parameters.

Membro | Parceiro Ouro

Absolutely agree with this! It's a fundamental feature that all meeting tools need.

Membro | Parceiro Ouro

This would be great if Hubspot could add it. We'd definitely benefit from this level of visibility.

Membro | Parceiro Ouro

Yes! Please add this feature! 

Membro | Parceiro Ouro



Yes 100% with adding this feature! Hubspot really needs to pick up their game here, because it's getting frustrating and creating more problems as we add more and more team members - who work in different time zones


This is super necessary!


We used Calendly before and they offered this option. As we want to simplify things we would like to only use HubSpot. This is actually a real problem and makes things more complicated.


Also, I would expect to add some criteria which prioritize specific HubSpot Members. 

For example, Sales Member A is being prioritized for all contacts from the USA and Sales Member B is in charge for all contacts from China. This way the contacts would get assigned directly to the right person.


Since there are so many properties in HubSpot I think this would make things way better and more useful.


100% agree that this is desperately needed.  I had to move one of my sales teams back to Calendly for this exact reason.  Love both suggested solutions OP.  You are the wind beneath our wings!


Please add this, HubSpot!  We have multiple reps in different time zones on different continents, so having everyone stuck with the same availability is just crazy---it'd be the middle of the night for some folks!  So please add a functionality to allow you to set individual availabilities for different reps, or pull in their availability from their existing meetings link.  I'd hate to have to switch our whole scheduling over to Calendly, but we really need a solution to this asap.


And, HubSpot---this is money, too: a big reason several of our users are even have paid Sales seats at all is so they can have Meetings functionality.  If we have to move scheduling to Calendly, we'll have a lot fewer paid seats with HubSpot...


Definitively agree ! very relevant improvement that could be made !


Please add this feature! 
I just moved to Calendly for that exact reason,


This is so needed.


We use Calendly at the moment for our round-robin becuase it allows us to say which person should get a major of the meetings. For example:


Person A = 50% of the meetings

Person B = 20%

Person C = 20%

Person D = 10%


 It would be better to be able to have this in HubSpot.


Same here, we are currently stuck with Calendly because it allows us to

- prioritize between agents

- set custom availability per meeting type for each agent


This still hasn't been addressed?  Calendly it is.


im switching to calendly too


It's 2023 and we're still stuck with this. Growing my sales team and considering moving to Calendly next week.


We would like this as well!


Yesss please!