HubSpot Ideas


Set Goals in Multiple Currencies

Love the new currencies feature in HubSpot, however it needs to be extended to allow goal setting by currency. We have sales folks in different countries, it doesn't work well to set goals in the company's home currency.


Please ensure that you've carried through the multi-currency aspect throughout HubSpot.

February 08, 2024 10:54 AM

Hi @LHedegaard0, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to share timelines, especially for product areas that I don't own. Overall, we're working to prioritize the individual areas of work for multicurrency, based on highest impact. 

ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed
February 07, 2024 10:58 AM

Hi everyone, my name is Jeannie and I'm the product manager for Multicurrency at HubSpot. 


My apologies for the lack of response here--it was posted before I joined HubSpot and I only just saw this today. I wholeheartedly agree that we have opportunities to make the experience better for users who work in a currency other than the company currency. This is one of my top priorities this year. Transparently, I plan on working with every team across HubSpot to address these gaps. Specifically for this idea, I am speaking with the Goals team to see how we can address this. Candidly, it won't be as easy as just "fixing it," but please trust that elevating the multicurrency experience at HubSpot is a key priority for me.


As always, thank you for sharing your insights and feedback with us! I will share updates as they become available. If you think of any other areas where the multicurrency experience could be optimized, please don't hesitate to send me a message. Thank you!


@JeannieN Really great to hear. The more that sales teams can leverage existing features in Hubspot, the less they have to create hacks and workarounds, the more efficient and useful the CRM becomes.


Hi @LHedegaard0, thanks for sharing. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to share timelines, especially for product areas that I don't own. Overall, we're working to prioritize the individual areas of work for multicurrency, based on highest impact. 


Hello, agree that we need the ability to set goals in different currencies. I'm a rookie user in HS after using the other guys for >10 years and the less workarounds the better!


Any updates to currencies and goals? And related, to Show Insights? At present, those are both tools that hold zero value for 85% of the users who are not based in the home country/currency. Given the global nature of most businesses, this continued lack of support for local currency customization is frustrating.