HubSpot Ideas


Set Goals in Multiple Currencies

Love the new currencies feature in HubSpot, however it needs to be extended to allow goal setting by currency. We have sales folks in different countries, it doesn't work well to set goals in the company's home currency.


Please ensure that you've carried through the multi-currency aspect throughout HubSpot.


Yes, please add this AND allow for central management of product prices in various countries directly in the main currency settings, ie. have 1 master currency for which you define the „hard coded“ price list for initial import and then simply select additional currencies which calculate the respective foreign price list automatically.


Agree, much eneded implementation, at the moment we operate in 5 different countries so have 5 currencies for the local sales and reports but they can;t track their revenue vs goals in local currency. 


Necesito que por favor las metas de los representantes de ventas, se puedan configurar en diferentes monedas para cada uno de los representantes, pues tenemos monedas diferentes para las mediciones, peso mexicano, peso colombiano, dolar americano, peso chileno... entre otras. Gracias


Agree. I really need this feature, I have teams in different countries and I need to set goals in their home currency as well as the reports.



Hi Hubspot Team,

this "idea" - which if you ask should be standard - has not received a single Hubspot comment since it was created in June 2019.

Whenever something does not work as expected and we open a ticket, we are asked to add this to the community for ideation .... and then in >90% of all cases nothing happens and the support ticket gets closed.


In combination with the above requests from @PeterP and us, I still have an open case/idea which is very much related to this one.

It´s not about the currency itself but about having sales teams in various countries working from different corporate addresses/entities.

WE really need a solution for the QUOTES to display the respective organization of the sales rep. It is a nightmare for reps outside of Germany to create quotes because in every single quote, they have to manually change that organizational information. You should - and this request is also OLD as stone age - ADD the option to the company profile to provide multiple entities/geographies with their addresses. With that super simple solution, sales reps can be associated to the respective entity which then will automatically show up in the sales rep´s quotes.


THANKS for hopefully no longer ignoring that you have enterprise customers using the SalesHub which have sales reps on all continents ....

ステータスに更新: Not Currently Planned

Hi everyone,


I’m Joe, the Ideas Forum manager. I've been in contact with the product team about this Idea, and wanted to relay our current status.


At this time there are no plans to develop this Idea. This is not to say that this idea will never be developed, just that there are no plans to do so at this time.


This thread will stay open for upvotes and feedback, so please continue to share your thoughts.






This will be so helpful for our sales teams.  although we do have a company currency, our customers in the work in local currency sales, as do our sales teams and it's not fair to hold them accountable for the vicissitudes of foreign exchange movements.

I'll beta test this if it helps - such an important tool.


HubSpot Employee

This is a much needed feature for companies that are managing multiple regions. While it is possible to do the conversion, it would streamline the process if they could enable different currenices in the first place. 


This is really important to us and kind of a show stopper as it is impossible for our teams to all work in the same currecies. Without this we would not go for the sales professional seats.   The converstion of currecies change all the time and will no be able to work as a straight forward goal. 


I agree that this is an essential feature for managing global/ cross-border sales teams.


Please consider adding this to your roadmap @hubspot 🙂 

I manage sales reps across mulitple markets. When we set goals for them in our "Company Currency" and all their sales are in a different currency the arbitrary fluctiations in exchange rates between currencies impacts how easy/hard it is for them to meet their quotas. FX-risk should be solely on the company. Not on the individual employee. 


We are just setting up our hubspot sales goals switching over from Pipedrive, I am very surprised that this is not yet here. all companies with sales targets over several markets need this. 


This is vital - not sure why this has yet to be implemented. Crucial that we get this developped ASAP


As different users comment, it is very relevant and important that different currencies can be configured on a global level, the amounts of the deal pipeline do not coincide with the sales goals established for each sales person,

What do you suggest to do while this issue is resolved?


I continue to be surprised and disappointed at the lack of global perspective when it comes to currencies in Hubspot. Reporting is limited, goal-setting and deal insights are useless without being able to see it in a sales team's default currency and target currency. Very basic functionality, yet development prioritization is spent on making existing features like the activity feed and product library less useful. Frustrating. 


100% agree with this. It's very short sighted to implement currencies in some areas of the SalesHub but not in obviously related areas like Goals! Everyone knows that sales teams are driven by targets and goals. Even worse is that there appear to be no plans to develop this?


This is a huge dealbreaker for international companies. We're in the middle of a migration to one collected Hubspot for all sales organizations in the Nordics with over 100 sales reps, and this totally kills the Goals module. I can not understand that this isn't a no-brainer. Especially when all line items and deals in general can be set in different currencies. @hubspot Please revice this decision 🙂


This is a critical need.  I'm going to ask our team to start evaluating competitive options outside of HS due to the lack of focus on what is a VERY elementary issue to resolve.  As many other people have indicated, the lack of focus and response doesn't make sense.  How can a system support currencies outside of goals but then can't do the same translation inside of goals?  It's basic and it needs to get addressed, or I believe you will lose internationally focused businesses.

ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed

Hi everyone, my name is Jeannie and I'm the product manager for Multicurrency at HubSpot. 


My apologies for the lack of response here--it was posted before I joined HubSpot and I only just saw this today. I wholeheartedly agree that we have opportunities to make the experience better for users who work in a currency other than the company currency. This is one of my top priorities this year. Transparently, I plan on working with every team across HubSpot to address these gaps. Specifically for this idea, I am speaking with the Goals team to see how we can address this. Candidly, it won't be as easy as just "fixing it," but please trust that elevating the multicurrency experience at HubSpot is a key priority for me.


As always, thank you for sharing your insights and feedback with us! I will share updates as they become available. If you think of any other areas where the multicurrency experience could be optimized, please don't hesitate to send me a message. Thank you!


Hi @JeannieN, that sounds great. Setting goals on specific line items should be up there as well. International companies do quite often have a need for setting different goals for sales reps on certain product areas, which is often handled in line items. Do you have any idea on an ETA on the currency functionality?