I would love to be able to add in the new association labels using a workflow - rather than needing to do this manually.
this would enable businesses who have contact A who makes a booking and Contacts B, C, D etc who attend a course or an event flagged as attendees. so a business knows which are valuable contacts.
It would also be helpful to be able to use a workflow to send different communications to clients based on their association tag.
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I've encountered some issues with the association steps in a workflow. For a client of our we set-up event forms where a contact can indicate to bring a guest, we ask the guests information (including email). After the form submit a workflow starts to either create a new contact, of if the contact already exists in the CRM, to associate the contact. I've encountered two problems:
The property matching seems to be case sensitive. If this is the case, this should be mentioned somewhere in the documentation or step.
In the action logs the workflow always says "Action succeeded", even if it is not.
When the association is not made it says "Action succeeded", but if you look more into the details it gives this message:
{"outputFields":{"hs_execution_state":"SUCCESS","message":"No associated object was found"}}
When the association is made and the action actually succeeded if gives me this:
It first says "This action was initiated", then "Action succeeded". And if you go and look in the details of "action succeeded" if gives the same message as above, even though the association is actually made this time.
The two things mentioned above happen for every worflow step; "create associations", "Apply association labels" and for "Remove association labels".
Thank you for looking into this! Kind regards, Maarten
Yes this would be helpful for our referral program. If we have a contact or employee use a referrall form to submit a referral lead, would love to use a workflow to tag the contact giving the referral with an association label called "Referral Source" and tag the referral with a association label called "Referral Lead" automatically vs having to do this manually.
If you submitted a request to join the Association Actions beta, your request has been approved (as of yesterday)! We've spent the last few months scaling our systems to ensure they can keep up with all the usage and as a result had to pause on beta additions for a bit. We'll continue to add portals who request beta access and move towards rolling this functionality out to all customers (who have at least one Pro+ hub) towards the end of the year.
So i see we can assign association labels when we are creating a record or task, but will we eventually be able to add association labels via a workflow for past records?
I'm excited to announce that this feature has been rolled out to all customers as of last Thursday. Our last piece of remaining work is that we're planning to add the ability to create new associations based on matching number and single select type properties early next year. We'll also be exploring if we can expand the number of supported object types that can leverage the new actions. For any future association + workflow requests, please spin up a new idea.
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