Please add a feature allowing users to print conversations (i.e. emails, chats) from the Conversation Inbox.
To do this now, you wold need to use snipping tool (which is rather frustrating if you are tryign to print a long email and therefore need to snip, print, snip, print, snip, print...)02.05.2019.Conversation.Print
We cannot print emails using hubspot. ALL other apps I can print out emails. This is bad. The only support team gets me to do is write here. How to print in hubspot? NO PRINT, sorry
My team also really want this feature (in the ticketing view as well). This has become an issue that adds an extra step for our team. It's a basic feature, you should be able to print emails.
We would defintely like to request this feature asap for Customer Service, Client conversations, comments, etc. Can you please give us an update on arrival time for this feature. Printing should definitely be standard.
We really need this feature too! Ofcourse we'd rather not need to print anything, as it would be more enviromentally friendly. But it will take quite some years until software can replace everything paper in the average office! Until then, please give us this VERY needed and VERY basic feature....
This is a very important function for us, as we need to print customer permission emails to PDF. Our customer care team needs to have the ability to upload those printed emails to a submission form for our records.
I am 100% in favor of this idea. Hubspot team, please please add this as soon as possible. It is so essential to our processes and this function would be extremely helpful for us. Thanks for your consideration!
Our team inbox recieves some emails which must be printed and filed for audit purposes.
Not having a print function in Hubspot means they have to also recieve all the team emails into their own inboxes as well so they can print from there, doubling the emails they have to sort through and manage.
My company would also use the shared inboxes more if this feature was available. I find it very ironic too that, these comments have the print feature as part of their options, however it's not available where it would be more useful.
This is so needed. Impossible to print anything but small snippets now. The answer I get from HubSpot support (even if I appreciate the work-around) is to use Outlook. If I tell the users that they will start using Outlook and not Hubspot...
We also need this feature. We had a paypal case, and for sending proof of conversation I wanted to print (generate a PDF) from the conversation inbox but with HubSpot it's not possible.
This would be a really helpful addition. We often have to upload email copies into our order processing database. Since we do not have this feature, we still need to use Outlook because we can easily, copy emails or save/print as pdfs.