Sequences >> increase limit of emails per sequence
The 5 emails per sequence restriction creates inordinate needless extra work for me and my team and should be lifted altogether:
Many times I need or want to communicate with a prospect more than 5 times to achieve my goals. Rather than being able to do that in one simple step (one sequence), I'm forced to create multiple sequences, remember to enroll a contact in the next sequence after a prior sequence has terminated, etc. It's a goat rope.
Lost opportunities/business - it's very easy to lose track of contacts who we expect will need more nurturing than just one sequence. Not only because it's a huge time suck for me and my team, but also because the HubSpot tools aren't well equipped to help us track these folks and enroll them in the next sequence.
With the addition of the new `Email` steps in sequences (also referred to as Manual emails), users can now build sequences with an unlimited number of emails. This means that when crafting and executing a sequence, processes can be built to make sure the appropriate number of email steps are carried out before giving up on a contact. If a planned outreach process requires 6 or more emails, you'll no longer need to divide this process out into two seperare sequences.
Sequences will still have a limit of 5 automated emails added to a sequence. While we believe that some sales processes require more than 5 email steps, we also believe that 1:1 email automation requires a degree of personalization and mindfulness when reaching out, especially as email volume increases beyond the first 5 unanswered emails. With the new 'Email' step it's now possible to personalize each email template on the day they send, powered by Sequences automation.
We are in the process of creating a new sequence email send type to allow for "Manual Emails". With this release, we will remove the limit for emails in s sequence. There will still be a limit of 5 "automated emails" per sequence.
With this release we are also be including native LinkedIn InMail messages into sequences.
Hubspot is insane in how they make the decision on the product. Sometimes it feels like whoever makes those decisions has no idea how sales/marketing works. This 5 email cap is one of those things, but if you look closely, you will see issues like this across the product:
- Can't add 0% to a deal stage, instead, it automatically becomes "lost" and this causes issues across the product.
- Try emailing from within a deal and even attributing the email to the deal as you send won't show up under the deal.
- Got multiple calendars? Forget about being able to combine them in Hubspot to accurately display your free time slots. Their support told me "we believe teams are most efficient when they use just the business calendar, so we limited it to one calendar per person". lol.
- Got someone from a deal complete an action on the website, such as filling out a form? There is no way to have that associated with the deal.
There's 100's of these issues. The product people at Hubspot basically force a way we should all do our sales & marketing. They're clueless or just arrogant and this thread is a great example of it.
We will be voting with our $ and leaving Hubspot for another platform when we have a chance.