Sequences >> increase limit of emails per sequence
The 5 emails per sequence restriction creates inordinate needless extra work for me and my team and should be lifted altogether:
Many times I need or want to communicate with a prospect more than 5 times to achieve my goals. Rather than being able to do that in one simple step (one sequence), I'm forced to create multiple sequences, remember to enroll a contact in the next sequence after a prior sequence has terminated, etc. It's a goat rope.
Lost opportunities/business - it's very easy to lose track of contacts who we expect will need more nurturing than just one sequence. Not only because it's a huge time suck for me and my team, but also because the HubSpot tools aren't well equipped to help us track these folks and enroll them in the next sequence.
Definitely need this. Why would HubSpot limit the number of emails when it's sending from our own Gmail account? That doesn't even affect their server credibility. We have very high-performing 7-email cadences in Outreach that we now have to split into 2 cadences in HubSpot and manually start the second one (grrr). PLEASE fix this. Artificial limits help no one.
Spoke to one of their sales engineers and they say its based on their "research", and they think if you dont get a response after 5 that you're not going to get one...
This goes against and their research saying it takes 7-11 to get a response.
Totally agree. This is an arbitrary limitation and would be super-easy to code to increase to 10 or 20. Why not let the customers decide the optimal number, instead of trying to decide for us? Clearly, with 36 upvotes, this is a pressing need which should have been addressed by now. Looks like the request goes back 18 months now.
Agree, you are forcing us to manually monitor campaigns, and then send additional messages. It's a royal pain in the a**. Without question, this would be one of the easiest and fastest edits for the HubSpot product team to make.
+1, this seems to be a major limitation...especially considering the vast amount of sales data around the number of nurture touches needed to engage a customer.
We are in the process of creating a new sequence email send type to allow for "Manual Emails". With this release, we will remove the limit for emails in s sequence. There will still be a limit of 5 "automated emails" per sequence.
With this release we are also be including native LinkedIn InMail messages into sequences.
Uh.... How does this solve the original issue? It looks like this doesn't change anything and mostly just adds InMail or an alert to manually send an email to the customer.
I think you all are still missing the point here. Just allow unlimited emails and stop trying to force your users into a strict paradigm that doesn't always make sense.
I think this is a must, 5 is just never going to cut. I think a maximum to sit around 10-15 would be a welcome addition to us all.
The math states that relations = the number of interactions / a period of time.
That number of interactions is, at the minimum, 7 before trust and authority are established.
Adding "manual" emails to the sequences is not a solve... you can't build a repeatable process and know if it's working when you manually are adjusting it with each send. I don't mean adjusting the copy but adjusting the frequency. Or is my assumption incorrect on the process you are referring to @glencornell ?
Completely agree @richardwalsh and @voidmain. @glencornell I appreciate that the Product team is looking at this 2+ year old request but have to agree with Richard that the proposed solution misses the boat. The advantage of a sequence is that it is inherently automated. We don't want "manual emails". We can send those without any "development". We just need HubSpot to lift the artificial cap of "5" - seems that would be quite straightforward to code. For some reason, in this case, the Product team is giving us a "work-around" instead of what we're asking for. Can you shed some light on why not just lift it from "5" to up to "10" or "15"? Isn't the goal to make HubSpot customers' lives easier and more productive through the use of technology? Delivering on this request would be a great step in the right direction.
I was suprised to find out that you guys cap the email templates per sequence at 5. Doesn't make much sense considering most contacts take on average 7+ email touches before responding, especially if they're in the C Suite.
There should either be a way to connect sequences automatically or you should make the email template cap something like 20+.
I mean what if you're looking to nurture? Be proffesionally persistant? For a sales application of Hubspot the lack of this capability really doesn't make any sense. I think the majority of your competitors (at
Replying to get on the email chain. I understand that there is some movement with allowing manual emails shortly but 5 automated emails is still too low. Most data shows that we need more.
100% agree that Hubspot needs to remove limits on emails in sequences. It goes against best practice. Its damaging to Hubspot's credibility and makes it nearly unusable for AEs who are trying to use a tool for outreach. I quit using it altogether and I've already convinced two executives to overlook Hubspot in their search for a CRM simply because of this and the fact that email tracking has been broken for years. Get it together already.
With the addition of the new `Email` steps in sequences (also referred to as Manual emails), users can now build sequences with an unlimited number of emails. This means that when crafting and executing a sequence, processes can be built to make sure the appropriate number of email steps are carried out before giving up on a contact. If a planned outreach process requires 6 or more emails, you'll no longer need to divide this process out into two seperare sequences.
Sequences will still have a limit of 5 automated emails added to a sequence. While we believe that some sales processes require more than 5 email steps, we also believe that 1:1 email automation requires a degree of personalization and mindfulness when reaching out, especially as email volume increases beyond the first 5 unanswered emails. With the new 'Email' step it's now possible to personalize each email template on the day they send, powered by Sequences automation.