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Sequences >> increase limit of emails per sequence
The 5 emails per sequence restriction creates inordinate needless extra work for me and my team and should be lifted altogether:
Many times I need or want to communicate with a prospect more than 5 times to achieve my goals. Rather than being able to do that in one simple step (one sequence), I'm forced to create multiple sequences, remember to enroll a contact in the next sequence after a prior sequence has terminated, etc. It's a goat rope.
Lost opportunities/business - it's very easy to lose track of contacts who we expect will need more nurturing than just one sequence. Not only because it's a huge time suck for me and my team, but also because the HubSpot tools aren't well equipped to help us track these folks and enroll them in the next sequence.
I would even ask for sequences in which we could have 'til 10 templates.
By experience, when it comes to cold contact, most of the answers occurs between the 5th and the 10th email.
It confirms the KPIs from the National Sales Executive Association I have attached to this email. These are very famous and are often displayed in sales office. I am surprised Hubspot is not aware of that.
A solution could be to automatically launch a second sequence if the first one has no answer, but according to the support team it's not possible... It could be a dealbreaker for us.
Hey @Micael this is not currently planned. However users can still vote for this idea, and any changes to pricing and packaging for HubSpot's free and paid tools will be posted here.
wondering if there are any plans to extend the current limit of 5 emails in a sequence?
could really use this capability. 5 emails isnt enough for us, so we are currently breaking into 2 sequences, which involves a lot of manual processing in between
Yeppers. We need more than 5 emails per sequence to make a real impact. Studies have proven that 7 emails is a minimum of a nurture campaign to get a prospect to reply. I've heard of people using 12 or even 15 emails before getting a response.
In fact, a friend that recently took his bootstrapped company past the $10m ARR mark regularly tells a story of sending 20 emails to a prospect before signing them up for a 3 year deal for $1.2m total deal value.
We need at least 10 emails in our reach out, 10 MINIMUM. In our experience, follow up is KEY... lots of follow up. If sequences only automates 5 follow up emails, that makes Sequences in Hubspot pretty much useless for us 😞 Would LOVE to see more so we can stop using 3+ different programs to manage our marketing and sales 🙂
This is ridiculous. I'm becoming less impressed with Hubspot by the minute and I've been in my account for less than an hour 😕 This on top of many other major and minor shortcomings....mind blowing coming from a "marketing automation" company.
Desperately want this feature -- this is a MAJOR restriction currently, the only way around it is to create multiple sequences and then a task to add them to the next sequence.
I'm really curious why it's limited to 5. These should be unlimited in my opinion or at least set to fairly high number. Sequences can be used for a lot of things including customer onboarding where you are sending bits of information over time and then other info including requesting feedback.
All the studies from Gong and Outreach etc say it takes 5-8 emails to get a response from prospects, so it makes sense to be able to do more than 5 emails in a sequence through Hubspot
Please adjust limitation of number of templates in a sequences. Most prospects wont even engage until 7+ outreaches. I am stunned this is a limitation of HubSpot as sales thought leaders.
The sequence limit seems to indicate that Hubspot doesn't understand the very problem it's supposed to be helping users to solve. Studies show that it can take 12 emails or more to get a reply. Hubspot's 5 template limit on sequences may have worked before you went into business, but it doesn't work today! I had been promoting HS to clients for its sequencing features - but since I discovered this limit we are having to look at alternative solutions. Out of respect to Hubspot, I won't list those alternatives here.
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