It would be great to be able to test a sequence immediately (see the emails and task notifications) instead of having to wait for it process through the timing.
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I'm Ana, the PM for sequences here at HubSpot. This idea is on our radar, but not our roadmap at this time, specifically through the end of 2023. I understand the need to test out and preview the content you’re sending your prospects and contacts, and we'll continue to investigate how to make this a reality.
I also wanted to highlight a workaround mentioned in this thread: sequence emails are made up of templates, which can be sent to yourself to preview how an email will appear to recipients. To do this, navigate to any test contact, open up the email compose window and click ‘Templates’ to select and send any email template.
I appreciate the feedback and examples shared in the thread! If you would like to chat more about this or other sequences feedback, please feel free to message me directly and we can continue the conversation.
For transparency, I'm updating this idea to 'Not currently planned' because sending a test sequence is not currently planned in the team's work this quarter. This idea is on our radar though, and we see agree with the value that comes with being able test send an entire sequence enrollment immediately rather than needing to wait several days. Doing this would mirror some functionality that is currently possible in Workflows.
I will update here if and when we decide to review this issue to be planned in the sequences roadmap.
There's got to be a way to test without actually enrolling a test email and waiting the number of days a sequence could take to be sure all is set up correctly
This is a critical feature - I just had a sales prospect write back to me that she was very unimpressed with my company's professionalism... all because I wasn't able to test my email sequence. It turned out there was a broken image that caused the entire email to appear to the recipient as a long string of characters. Something I would have known if I'd been able to test the sequence!
Have there been any updates to this? It's extrememly important to be able to test sequences before turning them on (like workflows), especially since they often include several one-to-one emails that can create a clunky user experience if not done right. As a HubSpot Partner, more and more companies come to me asking about how to use Sequences, so this is a hot priority for Sales Hub users and agencies alike. Thanks!
If you turn of the "Delay" function for each email, you can cycle through your entire sequence for testing, and then restablish the "Delays" upon confirming the content delivery.
So surprised that sequences do not have test functionality. Please add ASAP.
As a work around,
1) I am cloning my original sequence X times for each email in the sequence. For example, I clone it 4X for a four email sequence.
2) Keep only one unique email in each cloned sequence and delete the rest. In my example, I have 4 cloned sequences and each one has different content.
3) Change delay time to 1 day for each
4) Enroll a test email account of your choosing to each cloned sequence.
This takes a ton of time, and would only recommend doing for each new, major sequence or change.
This is really essential and exists in competitor products, I am very surprised and disappointed this does not exist already given how long ago this was requested (looks like 4 years?).
I need to be able to send all emails in a sequence to myself and my colleagues for review before sending. This is significant enough for me to now be looking at moving away from Hubspot
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