We have 5 business units, and are looking to create separate score properties to contacts based on their engagement with each business unit.
There doesn't seem to be a way to split this out at the moment. For example, if I look at 'Number of emails clicked', it would apply to the entire portal - not just email clicks from one specific business unit. The ony workaround at the moment seems to be individually adding in all possible emails - but we have thousands of emails per business unit that a contact might have interacted with, and **bleep** a filter limit of 00 per score property, this is not a faesible option for us.
This is becoming a problem as we rely on the score properties to qualify contacts and mark them as an MQL, meaning sometimes a contact will meet the score threshold to become an MQL for one business unit, when in fact it was because they had interacted with another business unit's emails.
It would be great to see a way to segregate this in the future!!