HubSpot Ideas


Separate automation for associating contact to company domain

I'd like to see the automation be separated for associating a company and contact via domain and email. In some cases companies have multiple domains, or separate email domains and web addresses. However when we're automatically importing contacts through an API from another system, there is only the option to associate contacts to companies and create new companies if one doesn't exist. Therefore there are many cases where a duplicate company is being created with the subdomain in the email, and then we have to discover this is happening and merge the companies and then risk that a company is created again the next time the import runs. If we could separate the field so that there is one checkbox for automatically associating contacts to a company based on domain / email and then a separate field and checkbox determining whether a new company should be created if there is no existing company then that would avoid this duplication problem. 

Alternatively, if it was possible to associate multiple domains with one company and have the email address automatically associate to any of the defined domains (without upgrading to the more expensive version of Operations Hub) that would work as well.