HubSpot Ideas


Sending email to company-based list

To my surprise it is not possible to send email to company-based lists. 


We have an integration between CRM system Koho and HubSpot, and store a lot of business critical information about contracts and customers in Koho. The integration pushes data to HubSpot (custom fields) which has been selected as the agile tool for communication and marketing to our customers. Due to the company dependent information, I found out the hard way we are not able to use company-based lists to reach out to our customers. 

I hope you would develop this feature very soon. Usability of HubSpot would be much better without exporting data to excel and then importing the same data back. It just doesn't make any sense. 

The experience was totally unexpected not being able to send to a company-based list and it caused a lot of unnecessary trouble in a tight time schedule. I hope you would at least give information about the absence of the feature in the list and email tools.

HubSpot Updates
August 19, 2023 10:42 AM

Hi folks,


Thank you so much for your passion for this idea. I'm happy to announce that you can officially email a company-based list! 



To generate a list of Contacts associated to an existing Company list, first add in your Contact property criteria if any. Then change the object in the drop down from ‘Contact’ to ‘Company’ and select ‘List Membership’ in the menu.


Choose from the available Company lists and choose your operator: ‘is’ or ‘is not a member of’.


Finally, refine your contact list with any additional filters.  You can now e-mail that contact list that references those contacts from a company you care about based on their association or association label.


NOTE: You can also reference existing Contact lists in the Company list filters using the same process above - just be sure to select ‘Contact’ in the drop down instead of ‘Company’.


May 12, 2023 10:24 AM

Hi everyone. I'm Roger, Product Designer at Hubspot, and I'm happy to say we are in the process of developing this functionality. Appreciate everyone's patience and support in this effort. If you have questions, feel free to reply on this thread or reach out to me. In the meantime, I will keep you all posted.




53 Replies

I completely agree. It truly makes no sense at all. 


The fact that this isn't an obvious feature for the Hubspot team to prioritize and implement astounds me.

From my understanding, the main benefit of using Hubspot is to build relationships with customers and track how they evolve.

If you work in SaaS then Hubspot is basically useless for the purpuse of connecting, when this feature does not exist.


Really shocking this isn't something that's been updated. 


any response from HubSpot regarding this? @TVento 


@brendanyong No, I have not heard any news regarding this. 


This is how we've worked around...
Create a Contact list where filters are based on the associated company's field you want to segment: example industry=retail

Then email to the Contact List you created. 

You can't directly email a list of companies 


I'd like to be able to use a Company list as a filter criteria in a Contact list, in order to either target or exclude contacts in an email.


Deleted. I was wrong.


Thanks @MZimo but i can't see that screenshot?


@Amy_Brierley I was mistaken. I edited my comment above. Sorry!


@MZimo, ok - thanks! 


 I just did this by using the company filter to create a contact-based list.  I did it with multiple companies. Maybe they fixed this?

The idea is to set this up to run automatically in a workflow, instead of
having to create the list manually.

As you say, it is possible to do this manually, however that is not my goal

If I was in marketing, this alone would keep me from paying for the marketing hub. Kind of an unbelievable hurdle when you are talking about a marketing platform. Please rectify. 

Community Manager

Hi @jgerlach and everyone in this thread.


I'm sorry for the frustration caused by this. I'd really recommend upvoting the Idea in our Ideas Forum regarding this, and commenting with your use case. You can also subscribe to the idea (Options > Subscribe) to get notified if the status changes. Our Product Team regularly monitors the Ideas Forum. 


Thank you




This issue is more than 2 year old, please stop pointing us towards a page where we can watch "ideas"? Just admit you can't or won't implement this basic feature instead of insulting our intelligence.


This feature needs to be in Hubspot as it is essential for B2B companies to do email marketing campaings.


Essential feature..  Any updates?


Just jumping in to echo that this feels like an absolutely essential feature. I’m in the exact same position as the original post and I can’t believe that it is not possible. As the OP was almost 18 months ago I’d love to know if there’s a reason why this feature can’t be implemented or a reason that it hasn’t had a reply. So many people on here requesting the same thing that it feels like a no brainer to introduce. 


It is frustrating that I was pointed towards this page to suggest the feature when it already exists. I'm pointing the rep I was speaking to in the direction of this thread to try and escalate it but it feels like it won't do anything unfortunately. 


We need this option to be developed as soon as possible.
It's very disappointing that we can't do this simple action and it makes us do a lot of extra work.
Can you at least give us an update on the situation in view of the comments above.