HubSpot Ideas


Send SMS on Custom Object Workflows to associated contact records

With the addition of SMS in HubSpot, it would be great if the SMS messages could use properties from a custom object AND be sent as part of a custom object workflow. Same with WhatsApp.


We can send emails to associated contacts in a custom object workflow using custom object properties, but having the ability to do the same for SMS/WhatsApp would be amazing. 


Right now, the only workaround is sending data from the custom object record to the contact record, and then having a contact workflow trigger based on that property being known. This is not ideal as it adds time to something that should be quick, and it increases the likelihood a message may be missed or delayed as we're waiting on 2 workflows doing the job a single workflow should be able to do.

4 Replies

This would be extremely helpful to make sure we are sending SMS to the correct contacts and making sure they are in the correct group that we want! 


This would be helpful and eliminate the possibility of error from the workaround. 


HubSpot doesn't currently allow sending SMS directly from custom object workflows using custom object properties.

This isn't ideal but avoids creating separate workflows. Hopefully, HubSpot will allow SMS from custom object workflows in the future. Please consider this enhancement as it will create efficiencies for all your HubSpot Clients and reduce error from a workaround.


YES! We would make immediate use of this functionality.