HubSpot Ideas


Selectively allow Zoom creating contacts via the cloud recording

With the current integration the permission to "View cloud recordings for meetings and webinars" allows to create contacts in the connected portal from cloud recordings.


Since the integration reads  webinar and meeting cloud recordings as the same  contacts will be created from any of the two types of cloud recordings.


The issue arises when  users want to sync cloud recordings and create contacts for webinars. Instead, with this setting selected, new contacts are created also from personal Zoom meetings. 


The ideal scenario would be a feature that allowed to chose separately to sync cloud rceordings from Webinars and/OR from meetings.

1 Comentário

Hi Community,


Good point, but we faced another issue.

With this feature, all cloud recordings are synced to Hubspot. Not just calls of sales team, but absolutely all meetings that are recorded into zoom account.

Since, zoom used by whole company, and Hubspot CRM mostly by Sales Team:

- it creates many useless data

- it creates security issues, as synced cloud recordings to the Hubspot accessible by any user (who has access to the contact object, which in the most cases all invited users to the CRM)


We really appreciate this feature, but it looks like we should stop using it because of this.


I, personally, see here a few possible ways to resolve this:

- add customization to the integration where admins will be able to select the users whose meetings will be synced to the CRM

- add Calls-based workflows where we will be able to filter and delete irrelevant meetings

- add search/read/delete API endpoints for the Calls to delete irrelevant meeting