Hello everyone! This idea serves to help all serviced-based companies currently using HubSpot.
Lets be honest, the quote system HubSpot has to offer is awesome. Clean and professional format, product/service details, and even a Stripe integration helps avoid separate payment platforms. My only qualm?
We currently utilize a deposit system for our clients to secure services. Each service requires a $200 deposit that goes towards their total balance. For many bigger ticket item service companies, it can be difficult for clients to pay the full balance upfront.
I'm proposing the idea for quotes to include all of the prices, fees, discounts, etc., but at the same time, allow for clients to pay for a given amount. If we're using our company as an example, their total is $3,000 and they have two services ($400 deposit), they are given the option to pay the deposits and not the full-price.
I believe that would be extremely helpful for the many service-based companies that use HubSpot! I look forward to hearing how this may be possible. Thank you for your time!
@DanielDJ the ability to quote a payment schedule will definitely be available in Australia, which will be our first release, but payment collection features will be limited to US for 2022. That said, we're working toward enabling non-US payments ASAP.
Hey folks! My name is Ethan, I'm a PM in our Commerce group (which owns Quotes), and we're putting the finishing touches on a feature that should (1) make it easier to quote a payment schedule (or installment plan, or segmented payments - whatever you choose to call it), as well as collect payment for the initial piece of that plan (e.g. a deposit).
Would anyone be interested in looking at our mockups and giving me some feedback? I would welcome your questions or suggestions on how the feature should work. Just DM me here on the Ideas forum and I will respond as promptly as I can with my Meetings link.
I also think it would be nice to be able to specify a future billing start date, so that customers can get a "trial" so to speak while a card is secured on file with a future first run date in the future.
I am badly in need of a Deposit Button! I switched everything from paypal to stripe for the sake of hub spot all to find out there was no way our customers can make a deposit. I also believe there should be a quote template that comes on by default.
We desparately need this feature!!! We ask for customers to pay a deposit down initially for a fixed amount and then the balance at a later date. Right now we have to create ONE quote for the DEPOSIT and then a SECOND quote for the master total less the deposit. It is so confusing!!! Hubspot you're the best and create all these custom functionalities and this is the final piece to our puzzle. Help!
In today's business world, I believe nearly all companies require a deposit for goods. If HubSpot would be able to develop a system where we would be able to accept deposit payment and apply to same contract, it would make life so much easier. HubSpot you have made life so much more streamlined for our developing and on going sales process and it is woderful. If we could have this last piece of the puzzle solved...AMAZING!!
We're a tour operator working with partners and end clients from all over the world. Tourism lives on down-payments. Managing, tracking and creating payments fast and efficiently for a multitude of open quotes is one of the most important daily tasks of our sales and finance department.
It's bizare that a CRM tools does not support managing payments. It's like development stopped just before the finish line. And the fact that this question has not received a single response from HS staff/developers tells me the customer isn't a priority for HS. I I'll reconsider upgrading to a paid account just before almost swiping the card...
Yes. All it would take is the capability to put a "Deposit" line item which becomes the only billable item on teh quote. A must for service businesses.
Yes, I agree this is an issue, espcially with the new payments option which is great. Milestone / installment payments isn't quite the same as a subscription and trying to squeeze it into that mold for the purposes of the Quote total value, etc. is problematic.
Hey folks! My name is Ethan, I'm a PM in our Commerce group (which owns Quotes), and we're putting the finishing touches on a feature that should (1) make it easier to quote a payment schedule (or installment plan, or segmented payments - whatever you choose to call it), as well as collect payment for the initial piece of that plan (e.g. a deposit).
Would anyone be interested in looking at our mockups and giving me some feedback? I would welcome your questions or suggestions on how the feature should work. Just DM me here on the Ideas forum and I will respond as promptly as I can with my Meetings link.
@DanielDJ the ability to quote a payment schedule will definitely be available in Australia, which will be our first release, but payment collection features will be limited to US for 2022. That said, we're working toward enabling non-US payments ASAP.