Yes, when it comes to CRM Admin, it is sometimes necessary to know when a property was created. Adding to this idea, it would also be helpful to know when the property was last updated, as that can impact reporting and workflows.
Yes, this would be very useful to have. I have encountered this instance where duplicate fields appear and whilst I can see who created them I don't know when, so when it comes to going back and making sure things are correct it doesn't help.
+1. We're constantly adding new properties to our instance. It'd be a huge time saver to be able to know when properties were added so that we can understand reports we compile effectively.
Yes please. We're working with an external agency as well as a couple of super admins, and its importat for us to track when those properties are being created and by whom.
This is super important, we now have more than one admin so knowing who created what and when is almost vital. Especially considering the amount of auto creation of contacts and companies HubSpot does based on ONE property in a form
Please add this functionality HubSpot! I'm currently exporting the property history to try to track the oldest object record associated with the property. In my case, when I export property history for ticket records, I can use the ticket name to track the date as our tickets are auto-named with the create date. That doesn't mean it's easy to filter by, or that it's a fully effective way to figure out when the property was created. As others have pointed out, it's imperative for data story telling to know when information was first tracked.
In our case, we are transitioning from one system administrator to another. The create date would be helpful to know WHEN the property was created and, if any properties are accidentally duplicated, we can decide which to archive based on date.
I searched for this feature -- not thinking it wasn't an option -- but expecting to simply find out how to access it. This seems like a critical piece of information to have for any custom property. Please?
+1 Critical detail missing - "created by" is only so helpful. Knowing WHEN it was created can help fill in gaps with staff transitions and give insights that only a timestamp can provide.