HubSpot Ideas


Secondary Ticket Owner

When creating tickets in HubSpot, I'd like to be able to assign a secondary ticket owner to the ticket. I often find that resolving an open ticket can require multiple team members to action.

8 Comentarios




did you find a resolution to this. we are looking to use something like this going forward with customers who have two account managers. 




We'd love this as well!  Additionally, when tickets are merged, we have a very strong need for the owner of the ticket being merged to another to be assigned as an additional owner of the request, becuase their customer is now associated with that request.  But currently, as a user, they lose all association after merging the tickets.


Merging tickets to combine owners would be amazing! It keeps both users in the loop without having duplicate tickets. The notes section isn't helpful enough to follow the ticket from New to Closed.


I had a similar thought, for instance if a co-worker owns a ticket and is out sick, and I have to get into that ticket to followup - I won't be notified of the return email because I don't own the ticket.  Flexibility of a Dual Ownership would be amazing.  Thank you


We need this! Especially now that deals can have contributors - we at least need ticket contributors!


We have need of this as well. We have multiple people (usually 2 but sometimes 3) who collaborate on a Ticket.


Please please HS, make it so we can have 2 owners! Or make it so we can assign tasks based on company properties if you won't make a secondary owner on the tickets!

Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Elite

Hi all! I've been able to do this by setting up multiple secondary ticket owners. The key is to set up the secondary ticket owner property as a HubSpot User property. Then, any user that is assigned as a secondary ticket owner, will have have the same follow capabilities and receive the same record notifications (if they have them turned on) as the primary ticket owner. 

Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to list the multiple ticket owners on the kanban view card (it seems that HubSpot limits that to the primary ticket owner only). However, you can set up your ticket list view to see the multiple ticket owners for any tickets.

Hope this helps!