HubSpot Ideas


Secondary HS Team property

In our company we are currently selling more than one product at the same time in paralel to a given contact, so the possibility of having a secondary owner property is very useful for us. But when it comes to reporting, we face this problem: the "Hubspot team" property is related to the "contact owner". When working with a single sales process it's very useful, so instead of filtering by all the owners of teams we filter using the HS team property. But now that we have another owner property there's no automatically linked property as "HS Team" that we can use to filter.  Don't you think it would be interesting to have this?

2 Replies
Contributor | Elite Partner

I agree this would be very helpful, and I posted a similar request on this Ideas post (which was more about accessing additional user properties as personalization tokens):

If a "HubSpot Team" property was auto-generated for any custom Owner/"HubSpot User" property, then instead of...:

Contact Owner: [user 1]
Hubspot Team: [user 1's Primary Team]
Custom Owner A: [user 2]
Custom Owner B: [user 3]

...we'd have:

Contact Owner: [user 1]
Hubspot Team: [user 1's Primary Team]
Custom Owner A: [user 2]
Custom Owner A HubSpot Team: [user 2's Primary Team]
Custom Owner B: [user 3]
Custom Owner B HubSpot Team: [user 3's Primary Team]

Alternatively, if a user's team was accessible as a personalization token (e.g., {{ contact.custom_owner_A.hs_team }} or similar syntax), then at least we could use a workflow to update a text property with the Team associated to a custom owner property based on such a personalization token.


That would be perfect for my business too, let's hope the devs see to it soon 🙂