My company receives purchase orders for the vast majority of the work that we do. These PO's often will simply reference the quote number and dollar amount. As we have moved towards generating quotes via Hubspot, I have found that you have no control over the quote number and cannot search by the quote number. This makes the quote number meaningless and quotes incredibly difficult to track down.
IDEA: Provide functionality to search by quote number via the search bar at the top of the screen, the search bar within the deals pipeline, and by adding filters.
Second that. until the number is searchable, please remove that ref number so that noone thinks they can get to their quotation that way. We have institued a naming protocol to combat this problem. Quote names are made with the corresponding deal name plus an incrementing number. That way if it were not for the confusion Quotation ref number causes, customers giving you the quotation name you can look up the deal and go from there.
Currently, quotes automatically are assigned a very long identification number. This number appears at the very top of the quote. This number is not connected to anything else. It cannot be searched.
This causes a problem when a client calls in & references just that number.
I agree. The reference number must be editable and at least searchable. Otherwise the reference is useless. Please please change that (or remove the reference until changed).
What would be ideal is if the quote reference number would contain the deal ID. For example the first part could be the deal ID and the 2nd part could be an increment or hash.
We also have the same problem in that we are raising quotes from Hubspot, which our customers are including on their PO's back to us. Having to identify the Deal that the quote relates to is a poor UX, the Hubspot quote number needs to be searchable in the application.
Yes. Why even bother with a reference number if we have ZERO ability to find it in the system. We are taking numerous calls a week with customers referencing the number and our customer service folks sounding silly when they say that number means nothing to us and doesn't help. This needs updated soon.
That's a good work around. We ended up adding a property called "Quote No." and we copy and paste the quote number in that property. Then we filter by that property, but I think putting it in the deal name is more efficient because then you can search instead of filter.
The only downfall to the workaround so far that I can think of is if you have numerous quotes under the same deal and you needed to keep them. Your deal name would only be relevant to the most current deal name/quote ref number.
Is there anyway you can create a workflow and copy that quote # into a separate field on the deal its on?? We would love to have a way to search by the quote reference number as well it is just somewhat pointless right now when you cant use it in anyway in Hubspot
It is imperative that you are able to find a quotation easily by searching for the reference number. It makes no sense to not have this feature. Can we please have a fix ASAP?
Agreed. The quote # is too long, and other than allowing us & our clients to differentiate multiple quotes, it serves no purpose, and looks rather silly being that long. Please shorten the quote #. I like the idea that is begins w/ the date, but it does not need 9 digits after that. Another idea would be to offer the hubspot user options on how they would like to # their quotes; by date followed by a chronological number beginning w/ 0001, or however many digits they feel they need or some other method.