I would a feature that shows all scheduled Sales emails in list form. This way, it is easy to verify emails that were scheduled, etc. As part of that, to be able to see scheduled emails that have been sent already would be helpful.
@KBeattie1 did you ever figure this out? I can't seem to get this list either, I can't believe it! I just scheduled hundreds of emails that I assumed I'd be able to manage and update, but I have no clue where to find them.
Under Marketing menu, there will be three tabs "Manage", "Calendar" and "Tasks".
Please check the "Calendar" tab and it will take you to a page which shows everything that is scheudled on that day / that week / that month.
One can change the preference to reduce or increase the visiblity of content on this calendar. Just pasted a preview of screengrab.. assuming this will be helpful.
@RaviTangirala thanks for taking the time to write this up but I'm specifically looking to see my 1:1, non-marketing, emails that are scheduled. This view only shows scheduled mass marketing emails.
This would be very useful for us too. As a Sales Ops manager, I'd love to see how many emails are scheduled to be sent in a particular day so that I know if I should add more people to that sequence or are we fine. Right now, I need to login to SDRs Hubspots one by one and check the Sequences > Scheduled tab and do the math manually.
Also came to search for this - Ran into quite the issue with an email I had scheduled last week and lost track of, not anticipating a customer's concern today. That email absolutely should not have gone out 😆