Schedule a meeting for another hubspot user from contact record
Firstly, not to have to add an existing hubspot user as a contact to be able to add them.
Secodly, not adding the person who sets up the meeting as an attendee because they simply create meetings for other users and don't have to be invited to the meeting
Yes please!! My goodness, how is this not already a thing? We only just started with Hubspot and didn't even think to ask about this because it's such a basic thing. We have appointment setters who schedule meetings on BEHALF of the sales reps. To have to leave Hubspot to make that meeting is inefficient and creates steps that can be missed.
We need to be able to schedule for a prospect FOR other users and have it marked in that user's activity feed, but the BOOKING of that meeting, would like to see that in the Liaison's activities. That last part may be pie in the sky, but goodness... please, for the love of all that is sacred in sales, this is something fundamental.
Please this absolutely needs to be moved up on the Dev Schedule. We have sales team members scheduling hand off to our operations team members and they need to invite them to the meeting.
We really need an update on this soon. Seems weird this essential feature is not available. We just need the opstion for our apointment settlers to books meetings for our sales reps, without them being invted to the meeting too. Should be that hard 😞
Is the ability to give "credit" for logged meetings to multiple Hubspot users in your plan? Example. We have two sales reps that attend the same meeting, can the activity be logged for both of them instead of only the creator? Thanks!
Up-voting for being able to add hubspot users to a meeting. This is a really needed feature for my organization. Confused how this isn't a option. Would be really nice to know everyone that was in a meeting for accountability and documentation, as well as follow ups, workflows, and pipeline processes.
Surprised the original idea was logged in 2017 and in 2023 you still can't add 2+ sales people to the same meeting. In the real world more than 1 sales people will often attend the same meeting with a client yet this cannot be tracked by activity in Hubspot (supposedly a key feature of Hubspot reporting).
Definitely @CraigP the other thing that's surprising is not being able to select a time zone for the meeting that your zoom meeting description operates off of. For us the time zone is a major issue because the description shows our time zone and the reminders through Hubspot come in the prospects time zone (depending on how they booked the meeting).
I wish that whole thing was more clear cut or that you could customize what was in the meeting reminders as well as booking confirmation.
@laurabrenI recently met with one of the product teams at HubSpot working on the CRM UI meetings tool. Now that they have the calendar selector scheduler in they're working on adding the ability to schedule users for other HubSpot users!
I'm a long time Marketing Hub user at a new company and now also using Sales Hub. I am absolutely dumbfounded that this is not a capability! Like 5 years ago this should have been a capability.