HubSpot Ideas


Schedule a meeting for another hubspot user from contact record

Firstly, not to have to add an existing hubspot user as a contact to be able to add them.

Secodly, not adding the person who sets up the meeting as an attendee because they simply create meetings for other users and don't have to be invited to the meeting

171 Commentaires
Statut mis à jour : Needs Detail
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

You cannot schedule a meeting for someone else.  By way of example: A junior sales assistant setting a meeting for their boss.  

Contributeur de premier rang

This is something we really need.

Our sales workflow is that an SDR books a meeting for an AE. This is currently not possible and we have to find workarounds.


We would want to be able to report both on the number of meetings booked for a colleague as well as the number of meetings held that were booked by someone else.


Here here. Currently, there is no way to record and report a meeting that was scheduled regardless if it actually performed or not. What is needed is a permanent entry into the company/contact record providing the following details of the meeting:


  • who booked the meeting (SDR)
  • who it was scheduled for (AE)
  • date the meeting was booked by SDR
  • date the meeting was scheduled to perform by AE
  • whether the meeting was performed or not

The crucial part is having an entry that persists regardless of whether the meeting was actually held. This will allow reporting on how many meetings were scheduled, how many were performed (and not performed), how many meetings it took to close the account. Currently, if the meeting doesn't perform, the calendar entry is removed from google calendar (this is a must) and it is removed from Hubspot via the google calendar integration.


Conseiller clé

I agree,

We have a similar process. A Development Rep calls leads from specific sources and books appointments for the Sales Rep.

Should be able to add additional Hubspot users and remove yourself from the meetings.




We also need a meeting location field linked with gcal and google maps since our process requires the meetings to be held at the client's house.

A check in location feature would also be very useful in meetings for supervision purposes.


Statut mis à jour : Idea Submitted
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

has this been implemented yet? 


this would be great

Participant | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Having just the same problems - SDRs vs SalesReps - Just creating meetings/having meeting.


Couldnt agree more with list that Trevor created:

  • who booked the meeting (SDR)
  • who it was scheduled for (AE)
  • date the meeting was booked by SDR
  • date the meeting was scheduled to perform by AE
  • whether the meeting was performed or not


Do we have any news on this?


I'm also in agreeance with the list Trevor created. I'll list it a third time just because.

  • who booked the meeting (SDR)
  • who it was scheduled for (AE)
  • date the meeting was booked by SDR
  • date the meeting was scheduled to perform by AE
  • whether the meeting was performed or not

What workaround is everyone else using currently? I don't know why, at the least, the ability to schedule for someone isn't already available, that makes no sense whatsoever.


There is the meetings app. I basically would love it we could have that app internally. If I can see my team members availability that they've set, then schedule a meeting with a contact with that team member, that would be perfect. It would really set this CRM apart from the others.

Contributeur de premier rang

Yes yes yes yes.


Hmmm. Why isn't this functionality available?


Scheduling an appointment for a sales person (but not for oneself) would seem a fairly common activity in sales organisations...


It seems this topic has been going for around 6 months so far with little contribution from Hubspot. I'm very new to this CRM and this feature would help me greatly!


I would like to see this as well. If anyone has a workaround that works, I would love to hear about it.


Same issue here.  Our BDRs qualify and then book appointments for the sales reps.  


Adding my support to this thread. I'm responsible for creating many meetings for others. Will have to log in and out of everyone's contacts for the system to reflect who is attending which meeting. Not the most time-efficient way of doing things.


Hubspot please review!


Would also like to upvote this idea. Our company's SDRs qualify leads and then book demo meetings for the account executives. HubSpot's team-meeting links with round-robin availability kind of serve as a workaround but it's not ideal as it doesn't perfectly matchup with our internal processes. Having a one-step ability for HubSpot users to book individual meetings on behalf of other individual users would be much more convenient and time-effective.


Would also like to upvote this idea. Scheduling an appointment for a salesperson would seem a fairly common activity in sales organizations.

Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Diamond

YES! I'm working with an existing HS Marketing client to sell them on the Sales Hub and the one hang up they have is the inability to allow their CSR's to schedule appointments for the sales reps through the contact record. I'm sure I can create a workaround but it sure would be nice to have that functionality at their fingertips... because the CRM I'm trying to get them to switch from has it. 


We also would like to use this functionality within our agency. Currently, if a team member needs to schedule an appointment on my behalf, they have to use a meeting link outside of the CRM in the bookmarks on their browser. 😕


Please give us this functionality. Smiley triste


Upvoting for this Idea.