HubSpot Ideas


Save email draft in CRM

It would be great if HubSpot would allow me to save a draft of my email in the CRM.

ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed
February 21, 2024 03:14 PM

Hi all! The messages are reaching me! Apologies for not posting an update sooner. I'm putting this into Being Reviewed because it is a project I am hoping we can get to later this year. I can't make any promises right now though.

Reading through the comments, it looks like there are a few different ideas represented here, falling into two main categories:

  1. The ability to intentionally save an email in a Draft state because you're still workshopping the content, reviewing with colleagues, etc., and want to revisit it later.
  2. An autosave functionality in the email communicator that reloads the content previously there if there is a glitch or you accidentally refresh your browser, etc.

It will likely take a few different teams to accomplish these different asks. If we're able to work on one and not the other, I will clarify that here and create a separate idea to track, if necessary. UPDATE: was put on my radar as a related post. Let's use that one to track if 2 is your use case, and this will be for 1!

ステータスに更新: Not Currently Planned
March 19, 2021 04:53 PM

Hi everyone - Thanks so much for your comments and engagements on this thread. We take your feedback very seriously and have been tracking the popularity of this request. We don't currently have the bandwidth to tackle this work right now, so I'm updating the status of this idea to reflect that. Apologies that it's not better news, but I will be back here with an update if and when we are able to move forward with this!


@hroberts any updates on the consideration of this idea?


To add to this: a good first step would be to add a warning message before closing a draft.

Something like 'Are you sure you want to close this unsent email?'.

Closing a draft is currently too easy to do by accident, because Hubspot does not seem to support editing an Email and a Task, for example, at the same time. Therefore trying to open a Task alongside the Email will loose all progress without warning.

Thanks for your consideration!


"Being reviewed" for 8 months. 
"Hoping" and "later this year" is a very unproductive way to handle your customers ideas for improvement.
I tried sending you some thoughts on how to better handle this, but the draft was not saved. 

Also, that this is an "idea" and not something that was released in 2006 (!) with the CRM is mind boggling. 
You have over 8,000 employees and more than 228,000 customers, none of whom can save email drafts.