To add to this: a good first step would be to add a warning message before closing a draft.
Something like 'Are you sure you want to close this unsent email?'.
Closing a draft is currently too easy to do by accident, because Hubspot does not seem to support editing an Email and a Task, for example, at the same time. Therefore trying to open a Task alongside the Email will loose all progress without warning.
"Being reviewed" for 8 months. "Hoping" and "later this year" is a very unproductive way to handle your customers ideas for improvement. I tried sending you some thoughts on how to better handle this, but the draft was not saved.
Also, that this is an "idea" and not something that was released in 2006 (!) with the CRM is mind boggling. You have over 8,000 employees and more than 228,000 customers, none of whom can save email drafts.