HubSpot Ideas


SMS Notification Improvements in Timing

I have 2 requests for the SMS tool we are using with HubSpot:

  1. SMS notification timing is not ideal.
    This is the current method; 

    Essentially when using time ranges it includes the time of day when this was set plus the range specified in the filter. The example I shared initially for example, if it is 3 PM on 20th August and the filter is for "less than 1 day ago" we look back at the following range:

    • The time now (3pm) until previous midnight (15 hours) on 20th August
    • The entire prior day midnight to midnight (24 hours) on 19th August
      The entire range included in the filter would be 39 Hours (midnight 19th August until 3 PM 20th August)

The issue is that a meeting is scheduled for 2 pm, but by setting a notice for 1 day ahead, it does NOT function on a 24 hours. NOT ideal.


2. Second issue is that more than 1 reminder cannot be sent from the same workflow. (ie: 24 hr and 2 hr ahead of meeting). Only 1 can be sent and it's not even based on the time of the meeting, only the date.

3.  Third issue is based on using contact records, a user can't re-enroll in the workflow. What? Why?